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    Huck Finn Argumentative Essay (565 words)

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    In the book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” Huck rejects civilized life. He dreads the rules and conformities of society, such as religion, school, and anything else that will eventually make him civilized.

    He feels cramped in his new surroundings at the Widow Douglass’ house. He would rather be in his old rags and sugar hogshead because he was free and satisfied. He felt out of place when he tried being civilized because he grew up fending for himself, and to him, it felt really lonely. Huck Finn grew up living in the woods and pretty much raised himself because his pap was a drunk. He never had a civilized lifestyle, and he believed that his way of living was good enough for him.

    He was free to do whatever he liked, and that is how he learned to live. He did not believe in school because all you need to know to live is not found in a book that you read at school. He believed that you learned by living out in the wild. Huck would rather be an individual than conform to society. Huck would rather follow his heart than his head, and because of this, Huck is ruled as a bad person because in society, you’re supposed to use your head.

    Huck is being penalized for his beliefs and he does not want to be a part of a lifestyle that does not support his ways. For instance, his choice not to turn in Jim shows that Huck understands why Jim is escaping. Huck sees Jim as a friend, not as a slave, and so he truly is able to see that society’s way of treating Jim is wrong. Huck is portrayed as a boy who sees life at face value and not by the set standards of civilized society. The rejection of civilized lifestyles shows that Huck does not agree with its rules.

    Because of this, he is able to see life from different perspectives. He can sympathize with all classes in society. He learns to figure out what is morally correct and wrong. Throughout his journey down the river, Huck is able to learn more about himself and others. His adventures have taught him more than he will ever learn just by reading books.

    Huck is able to live a great life by reacting to situations as they come along. He is better off not living a civilized lifestyle because that is how he learns. Huck’s rejection of a civilized life can be seen as rebellious, but as you read more about Huck’s adventures, you realize that this has helped him become a well-rounded person. Huck is a practical and realistic person who grows as he deals with every situation he is put in. During his time, it was not right for a child to be on their own because they are too young to know anything and need guidance through school and religion. Even though Huck is young, he has learned a lot by reading and self-study. Huck believes in being free so he can adjust to situations rather than living a set life.

    Huck learns without the help of school and other forms that will eventually make him civilized, and he intends to keep it that way. Therefore, he runs away from the civilized society. Huck learns from his actions and mistakes, and not from others, and that is how he grows mentally and physically.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Huck Finn Argumentative Essay (565 words). (2019, Jan 09). Retrieved from

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