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    Adventures Of Huck Finn Significance Essay

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    In the society that Huckleberry Finn lived in everybody was to believe that whites were superior to blacks. So as Huck and Jim go further down the Mississippi River, Huck is trying to determine what is wrong and what is right.

    Incidents where he was questioning what was right and wrong were, when they got split up on the raft, helping Jim escape and the letter to Miss Watson. Huck is playing a joke on Jim pretending that the raft never got away from the canoe and they got separated in the fog. Huck convincing Jim that he was just dreaming. So Jim starts telling Huck about this “dream”. When he’s finished, Huck shows him that it really did happen, and that he’s just been the butt of a joke. Jim reacts very emotionally. He says he was ready to die when he thought he’d lost Huck, and that anyone who would play such a prank on a friend is trash. Such talk like this from a black person to a white person could have that black hung.

    Instead of hanging him, Huck apologizes to Jim. The significance is that most white folks don’t apologize to black folks. It didn’t matter what the white folks did to the blacks but some how the blacks deserved it. Huck didn’t have to apologize to Jim but something deep inside told him to. As they are getting closer to Cairo, Huck is realizing what he has got himself into by helping a slave escape. When Jim is talking about getting an Abolitionist to help him steal his children- children that belong to someone Huck doesn’t even know- Huck freezes with fear. Now his conscience tells him to do the right thing according to society, turn Jim in. Huck leaves the boat giving Jim an excuse about seeing how far Cairo is but is really going toturn him into authorities.

    As Huck is leaving Jim calls out and saying something along the lines as Huck being the only white gentleman who ever kept his promise to old Jim. This comment really got to Huck and actually unnerved him a little.

    On the way to the shore Huck is stopped by two men looking for runaway slaves. He decides to tell these to men that he is traveling with a white man. The significance of this is that Huck is willing to lie to save Jim. This is very unusual considering that it is a white lying for a black. And that a teenage boy who is still growing up and learning what is right and wrong is lying. Jim has been identified as a runaway slave and was sold. Because of this, Huck sits down and thinks where he is, how he got there, and what he should do next. He believes that once again he has fallen short of society’s standards. So to make up for this bad behavior he decides to write Miss Watson a letter telling her where Jim is, believing

    In the society that Huckleberry Finn lived in everybody was to believe that whites were superior to blacks. So as Huck and Jim go further down the Mississippi River, Huck is trying to determine what is wrong and what is right.

    Incidents where he was questioning what was right and wrong were, when they got split up on the raft, helping Jim escape and the letter to Miss Watson. Huck is playing a joke on Jim pretending that the raft never got away from the canoe and they got separated in the fog. Huck convincing Jim that he was just dreaming. So Jim starts telling Huck about this “dream”. When he’s finished, Huck shows him that it really did happen, and that he’s just been the butt of a joke. Jim reacts very emotionally. He says he was ready to die when he thought he’d lost Huck, and that anyone who would play such a prank on a friend is trash. Such talk like this from a black person to a white person could have that black hung.

    Instead of hanging him, Huck apologizes to Jim. The significance is that most white folks don’t apologize to black folks. It didn’t matter what the white folks did to the blacks but some how the blacks deserved it. Huck didn’t have to apologize to Jim but something deep inside told him to. As they are getting closer to Cairo, Huck is realizing what he has got himself into by helping a slave escape. When Jim is talking about getting an Abolitionist to help him steal his children- children that belong to someone Huck doesn’t even know- Huck freezes with fear. Now his conscience tells him to do the right thing according to society, turn Jim in. Huck leaves the boat giving Jim an excuse about seeing how far Cairo is but is really going toturn him into authorities.

    As Huck is leaving Jim calls out and saying something along the lines as Huck being the only white gentleman who ever kept his promise to old Jim. This comment really got to Huck and actually unnerved him a little.

    On the way to the shore Huck is stopped by two men looking for runaway slaves. He decides to tell these to men that he is traveling with a white man. The significance of this is that Huck is willing to lie to save Jim. This is very unusual considering that it is a white lying for a black. And that a teenage boy who is still growing up and learning what is right and wrong is lying. Jim has been identified as a runaway slave and was sold. Because of this, Huck sits down and thinks where he is, how he got there, and what he should do next. He believes that once again he has fallen short of society’s standards. So to make up for this bad behavior he decides to write Miss Watson a letter telling her where Jim is, believing

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Adventures Of Huck Finn Significance Essay. (2018, May 30). Retrieved from

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