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    History Royal Pavilion Essay (749 words)

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    One change to the internal arrangements of the house was created by the Prince’s increasing bulk. His bedroom was moved down stairs. Summary Did the pavilion reflect fashionable tastes in: Architecture and design? Fashionable – no. The external design does not follow a trend or create one. It was radical for England. It was appropriate to the needs of a dissolute prince. George was very involved in all aspects of design and construction and this design must have reflected his personal taste and self confidence. Internal Design.

    Chinoiserie was no longer a fashionable item. When installed it would appear the fashion was waning but seen in the Pavilion it was apparently copied. From the stately houses of 19th century we have visited it was not common or a sustained fashion. Again it reflects the Princes preference and the resources of his two decorators Other design features. The French furniture and European plate was certainly a common fashion for the era and class. In some respects the house was innovative. In plumbing and kitchen features.

    A plumbed bath, Yellow paint, water closet and hot plates are now common for all classes of society but they were innovative then and subsequently copied and thus “fashionable”. Attitudes and way of life? The Prince was above all lazy and pleasure seeking. It is a feature of many societies and ranks. His father when mentally stable did not approve but could not affectively constrain his son or indeed his brothers. His father’s values were of service to the people, upholding royal protocol and a high standard of morality. The prince adopted the behaviour of the more libertine set and did it to extremes when his money allowed.

    Something common to most eras. There are, however Princes of Wales that have more balance in their lives and many of the aristocracy new and old put much more effort into “good works” through religious or humane motives. . His brother when taking over the pavilion made a reaction against George’s excesses by cutting costs and dismissing French staff. George pretended to dabble in politics but the time of regal power had gone and George lacked the goodwill and experience of his successors and even his father is better regarded by history

    George followed the fashion in terms of social order. His servants had their place. Like the Queen of France he followed the fashion for pretending to live as a common man when he first moved down. He had his romantic idly of a country cottage. Initially cost constraints may also have influenced his choice of a farm house. Like the romantic poets he developed a habit for laudanum a drug related to opium. There was little or no understanding of addiction or distinction or disapproval between that drug, which was regarded as medicinal, and say alcohol.

    George’s interest in food, drink, music, cards and dancing are universal but pursued with vigour at the time by some one with the time money and absence of TV. Having French chefs and his own band he entertained his friends and high society royally. Getting drunk was certainly popular and could thus be described as fashionable and the Prince certainly indulged. It would be later in the century that fashions for abstinence would develop in certain sectors of society as the consequence of the drinking culture were appreciated. When he first came to Brighton he located himself in the fashionable centre.

    He was attracted by the society of attractive women and the many pleasures of Brighton including racing, music and taking the waters. He chose a location away from the court of his father who visited sedate Weymouth. Nothing I have read deals with the attitudes to religion. Does that mean the Prince was an atheist and society did not require him to observe the protestant religion given how important religion had been previously? Attitudes to race are apparently non issues in the era; there are very few people of obvious racial minorities although one with a muslim name is in the service of the prince.

    Attitudes to the French. We know that George loved the French, was very friendly with many people from the French court. Loved French cuisine in the period of the pavilions however the French aristocracy was deposed and there were many years of war with France. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our University Degree Architecture section.

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    History Royal Pavilion Essay (749 words). (2017, Nov 28). Retrieved from

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