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    Compare and Contrast The Great Sphinx and King Tut’s Tomb Essay

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    Compare and Contrast The Great Sphinx and King Tut’s Tomb BY KDBeard The Great Sphinx And Death Mask of Tutankhamen wrww. touregypt. net There are several similarities and differences between The Great Sphinx and Death Mask of Tutankhamen. In the following, I will be comparing and contrasting these two monuments. The Great Sphinx located in Giza, Egypt is an enormous monument measuring 20. 0 m x 6. 0 m x 73. 5 m. It was commissioned by Pharaoh Chefren. It is constructed with the body of a lion and the head of a human.

    Death Mask of Tutankhamen was located in the tomb of King Tutankhamen in the Valley of the Kings. It measures 54 cm high and weighs about 24 pounds. It is a projection of what King Tutankhamen looked like and could take with into his afterlife. The Great Sphinx functioned as the tomb of Pharaoh Chefren. The center of the pyramid contained the pharaoh’s chamber where his mummified body and treasures were placed. The massive size of the structure was to serve as an elaborate and memorable monument.

    Death Mask of Tutankhamen functioned as the Pharaoh Tutankhamen’s mask laid over the mummified body. This piece was located in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen and served as an elaborate, decorative treasure that the Pharaoh could se in his afterlife. The Great Sphinx is believed to have been primarily constructed by slaves. Constructing this monument was a complex and intricate operation. They used a stone quarry to form the majority of the structure with the exception of the face being constructed of limestone.

    Death Mask of Tutankhamen is made of solid gold and lapis lazuli. The likeness of the Pharaoh is believed to be similar to his actual appearance with the exception of the beard. The beard indicates a kingship quality. The Great Sphinx is a well-known symbol of Egypt and built approximately in 2575-2525 B. C. E. In fact, it is so well known that many automatically associate Egypt with The Great Sphinx and for a structure to continue to be the symbol of a country for over four thousand years is a phenomenon.

    Death Mask of Tutankhamen is a well-known treasure discovered in King Tutankhamen’s tomb when open by Howard Carter in 1923. This piece is special because it was a part of an untouched tomb and constructed in approximately 1323 B. C. E. 1 . wrww. touregypt. net 2. www. history. com/topics/tutankhamen 3. Cunningham, Lawrence S. and John J. Reich. Culture and Values A Survey of the Humanities, 7th Edition. Boston: Wadsworth, 2010, 2006. Print.

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    Compare and Contrast The Great Sphinx and King Tut’s Tomb Essay. (2018, Oct 22). Retrieved from

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