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Essay on My Favorite Cartoon Character



Character Analysis

Words: 593 (3 pages)

The role of animated films in child’s mentality The role of animated films in the upbringing of a child has recently been increasingly emphasized by the media, film critics, psychologists, and educators. Numerous sociological studies indicate that modern cartoons can not only affect the behavior of the child but also contribute to the formation of…

National Independence Day of Malaysia Essay



Words: 596 (3 pages)

National Day of Malaysia In 1956, the then Prime Minister of Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj led a delegation to London to hold talks with the British Government concerning independence for Malaya. The Malayan delegation, comprising of four representatives of the Malay Rulers and four Alliance representatives, convinced the British Government to set a…

My View of New York City Essay (572 words)

About Me

New York City

Words: 572 (3 pages)

Sometimes, people need to take a break from their stressful days. Everyone has a special place, a place where people can find happiness, be themselves, and find peace. A place where you know you are just happy being there. For some it’s a quiet place, for others, it’s a noisy place. But all of these…

Synthesis of nickel complexes (530 words)


Words: 530 (3 pages)

Abstraction The intent of this experiment was to look into the Ligand exchange that occurs when different Nickel composites and reacted with Triphenylphosphine. Introduction Triphenylphosphine was foremost prepared by Pfeiffer and Sauvage in 1904 Experimental Triphenylphosphine ( 1.408g ) was dissolved under reflux with Propan-2-ol ( 15cm3 ) organizing a colorless solution to which 5…

MacbethVaulting Ambition Essay (622 words)



Words: 622 (3 pages)

Ambition is a strong desire or drive to succeed or achieve something. It can help a person to strive at getting something they want. If someone wants something badly enough, their ambition will help them not give up until they achieve at getting what they want. But also, if a person has too much ambition,…

The Attack on Pearl Harbor Essay


Pearl Harbor

Words: 682 (3 pages)

During the course of World War II, Japan demonstrated its power by conquering nearby countries and soon expanded into Southeast Asia. They had done everything right, but they made a mistake in the Pacific. That was attacking Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. After the attack, the Japanese force began to fall in power. The…

“The Monument,” by Elizabeth Bishop Essay

Elizabeth Bishop


Words: 593 (3 pages)

The poem “The Monument,” by Elizabeth Bishop can be thematically deconstructed in many ways. At first glance, the poem is about a tangible and solid object. The speaker describes this object, a monument, very thoroughly. After further examination and explication it is evident that the poem is not about one object, but about many intangible…

Penguins Analysis Essay (560 words)

Essay Type


Words: 560 (3 pages)

I They are small white and black bird like creatures that live incold regions. Penguins are the most fascinating creature around. A Most penguins have a white breast and a black back and head. Many species exhibit red, orange, or yellow patches on the head and neck. Because their short legs are placed far back…

Things Fall Apart – Chinua Achebe Argumentative Essay

Chinua Achebe

Things Fall Apart

Words: 561 (3 pages)

An African man, Chinua Achebe, wrote the novel, Things Fall Apart, at the age of 26. The story portrays his theme of life, when one thing stands another stands beside it. The main character, Okonkwo, lead a somewhat complicated life. As it began, it was ruled by courage and strength, but he chose to end…

Twelve Angry Men Quote Analysis Essay


Words: 633 (3 pages)

Quotes Quote #1 page 72: “3rd Juror: that goddamn rotten kid. I know him. What theyre like. What they do to you. How they kill you every day. My god, don’t you see? How come I’m the only one who sees? Jeez, I can feel that knife goin’ in. 8th Juror: it’s not your boy….

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