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The Question over Medical Marijuana Essay


Words: 692 (3 pages)

The Question over MedicalIn Nov. 1996 the people of the State of California approved proposition 215, the initiative that could make marijuana legally available as a medicine in the U. S. for the first time in 60 years. Under this initiative the government will not prosecute patients or their caregivers who possess cultivate marijuana for…

Discuss the ways Thomas presents country life and progress in his poetry Essay


Words: 509 (3 pages)

Discuss the ways Thomas presents country life and progress in his poetry. Refer to at least 4 poems in your answer. Thomas presents country life as warm and gleeful in his poetry. In ‘The Evacuee’ he describes how a young girl grows up in the countryside and underlines the fact that she has been able…

The Long Walk Home Essay (597 words)


Words: 597 (3 pages)

African Americans fought for their rights for a long time. Since the 16th century, African Americans have been fighting for their freedom and equality. They have been treated as slaves and discriminated by the white people. Their situation got better as time went by, but until the 19th century they were still treated differently. The…

Billie Holiday Essay (554 words)


Words: 554 (3 pages)

Hi, I am Eleanor Fagan Gough, or most of you know me as Lady Day or Billie Holiday. I am known, as one of America”s most memorable and influential singers of all time. I was born in Baltimore, in a run down apartment, in 1915. My mother had a very unsteady, low paying job, and…

Romeo and Juliet is a charcteristic of Shakespeare Essay

William Shakespeare

Words: 483 (2 pages)

Romeo and Juliet (R&J) is very characteristic of a Shakespearean play because of its recurring themes, language and diction, and story of a tragedy. Much like Hamlet and The Tempest, Shakespeare incorporates themes such as family rivalries, father and daughter relationships, revenge, and obedience vs. disobedience. One theme that tips R&J off to be a…

Religion and the World Wide We Essay


Words: 607 (3 pages)

The Internet began as the ARPANET during the cold war in 1969. It was developed by the US Department of Defense’s (DOD) research people in conjunction with a number of military contractors and universities to explore the possibility of a communication network that could survive a nuclear attack. It continued simply because the DOD, it’s…

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