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Alice Walker Poem Always: Be Nobody’s Darling


Words: 613 (3 pages)

In the poem “Be Nobody’s Darling,” Alice Walker emphasizes that an individual should think for oneself and to be one’s own person rather than try to conform to societal norms. Walker’s laconic yet assertive writing style, further combined with repetition and extensive imagery, highlights her complex view of her meaning of the word outcast: one…

Passion for My Family Essay (560 words)


Words: 560 (3 pages)

When I heard in class that I had to write a paper about what I had passion for, I thought of numerous things that I had a passion for. However, my teacher said I could only choose three things that I had passion for. It was quite hard at first to choose, but then I…

ideal Philippine president Essay


Words: 522 (3 pages)

Ideal Philippine President Slam! The only sound made by our couch as I flock on it when I got home from school late and tired. Eventually my attention was caught by Mike Enriquez as he report the breaking news about the whom they called “Pork Barrel Queen”. At first, it was Just nothing for me…

Interview With A Nurse Essay (658 words)


Words: 658 (3 pages)

I had the opportunity to interview nurse Vangie Quintanilla who currently works at Providence Hospital in El Paso, Texas. Vangie has been a registered nurse (RN) for 24 years. She obtained her BSN degree from the University of Texas in El Paso and has now been a certified nurse of the operating room (CNOR) for…

Disadvantages Of Being Rich Essay


Words: 564 (3 pages)

Disadvantages of being rich There are many disadvantages of being rich. Sure, the rich can buy all the material items they want, but is that all there is to life? The rich never seem to be able to fully trust their friends. They have problems maintaining long lasting relationships. Family affairs for the rich are…

Camping: Campfire and Best Friend Essay

My Best Friend


Words: 589 (3 pages)

People say taking a vacation is becoming expensive and a waste of time. Well living in the country as a child was like camping every weekend. We spent hours out in the forest of trees we had on the property, many adventures were made there. We had our own swim hole at the river on…

My Church is My Second Home Essay


Words: 651 (3 pages)

Some people have that one place where they are just at peace. A place where they there and everything mean or negative seems to just float out of their head and gets replaced with happiness and joy. That place for me is my church. I’ve been going to my local church for many years. I…

How does Arthur Miller create sympathy for John Proctor in the “Crucible?” Essay

John Proctor

Words: 629 (3 pages)

Arthur Miller creates sympathy for John proctor in a number of different and effective ways. The way I feel was the most effective, was the way Arthur changes our impression of proctor during the play. As in, in the first act proctor says “Abbey I never give you hope to wait for me”. This was…

In Pygmalion Essay (560 words)


Words: 560 (3 pages)

In Pygmalion, Shaw portrays a society in translation, in which progressive notions of femininity clash with more established traditional ideas about gender role. In George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion, he portrays a society in transition where new ideas about female independence are challenging with established gender stereotype. Shaw was a post imperialist and believed in…

The Nature of Volcanoes (701 words)


Words: 701 (3 pages)

A volcano is a mountain or hill formed by the accumulation of materials erupted through one or more openings in the earth’s surface. Most volcanoes have steep sides but sometimes they can slope down or even be flat. The volcanoes above sea level are the best known, but the most volcanoes lie beneath the sea,…

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