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The Lower Depths Monologue Essay


Words: 507 (3 pages)

A monologue from the play by Maxim Gorky NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from The Moscow Art Theatre Series of Plays. Ed. Oliver M. Sayler. New York: Brantanos, 1922. LUKA: Some one has to be kind, girl — some one has to pity people! Christ pitied everybody — and he said to us: “Go and…

Mechanical Engineering Essay (367 words)


Words: 367 (2 pages)

Word Count: 405:The day to day duties of a mechanical engineer are at first repetitive, but over time and with advancement work varies. The average mechanical engineer works anywhere from thirty-five to fifty hours a week. If the engineer is ahead of schedule the hours may be less. Depending on which type of engineer you…

recovery Essay


Words: 430 (2 pages)

Disaster Recovery for LinuxThere is no bootable Linux system on HDD in a disaster situation; therefore it is always a good idea to backup the bootable Linux system on removable media for example on floppy disks. For example if the hard disk fails, or if an important file is accidentally deleted. No matter what the…

Ricky Medina Essay (545 words)


Words: 545 (3 pages)

Intro. to BiologyReport # 3Twenty-six Israeli suicidal patients, twenty-four non-suicidal patients and twenty-four control aptients completed tests on different suicidal tendencies. Suicidal adolescents showed more negative responses that did either the non-suicidal adolescents or the control patients. Furthermore compared to the other two groups, the suicidal adolescents showed less complex self-attributes and a higher tendency…

The Advantures Of Huck. Fin Essay


Words: 412 (2 pages)

Books are known for teaching lessons. In Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain satirically presents the situation of how people of different color were treated unjustly, while at the same time amusing his readers. Isn’t it ironic that the character that grows on you most is Jim, the black runaway slave, who society looks down upon most…

Shaheen Lakhan Essay (384 words)


Words: 400 (2 pages)

Chapter 1 of Siddhartha by Herman Hesse was out of the ordinary. Siddhartha, a young son of a Brahmin, was seeking to become a Samana, and his friend, Govinda, would follow him. His companion, his servant, his lance bearer, and his shadow” (Hesse 2). Siddhartha’s father was hesitant to allow him to become a Samana,…

Alchohlism Essay


Words: 407 (2 pages)

THE DRINKING AGEThe drinking age is fine, if anything is should get raised. It is hardto ignore the fact that this law is broken everyday. It’s the 90’s allteens just want to fit in. Kids are drinking at a much younger age. Now, even 10 year olds and 11 year olds are trying to fit…

American Poetry Essay (483 words)


Words: 483 (2 pages)

Purposes: to be spoken, to be performed. Oral tradition: when a culture passes down Information trough sons and stories Instead of through sons and stones Instead of through a written language. Difficulties of oral tradition. ;difficult for future generations to learn much about early native American literary life without written records. -danger of losing ancient…

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