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Dilation: Then and Now


Words: 383 (2 pages)

DilationDilation has been used for millions of years. Even in the ancient times and still we use it until this day. An example of dilation used in ancient times is when ancient Egyptians built the pyramids. The pyramids were built in different sizes, but proportional. Now in this day and time we use dilation in…

Volleyball college Essay (435 words)


College Essay

Words: 435 (2 pages)

Have you ever struggled mightily for something and succeeded? What made you successful?I looked in their faces and knew mine mirrored theirs. I didn’t want it to, but it did. Just ten minutes ago, we all were so jubilant. We were so sure we were going to win. We had all wanted it for so…

From wipeout to success: the story of Drew Brophy


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As the original mastermind behind the “. . . lost” surf boards that began showing up a few years ago, Drew Brophy gave new life to the almost forgotten art of surfboard illustration. From the very beginning, young Drew was building a name for himself, not only as a surf artist, but also as a…

Scarlet Letter And Scapegoats Essay


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In the novel, The Crucible, both scapegoats and vengeance play prominent roles. Abigail Williams exhibits both these characteristics. She committed the greatest of crimes. She destroyed the reputations of many and killed much of her surrounding society. Her power lied in the fact that judges believed her, making all those women who fell victim to…

Career Goal : Career Goalss Essay


Career Goals

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Career GoalsWhen I married nearly 5 years ago, I suddenly needed to relocate and find a new job where my husband and I decided to reside. I was working as a department manager for accounts payables and assistant bookkeeper, a position I acquired through many years of experience and time with the company. It was…

Julius Caesar: Brutus Is A Honorable Man Essay

Julius Caesar

Words: 382 (2 pages)

In Shakespeare’s play Caesar,” Brutus is a conspirator who favors a republic for Rome. He is an honorable man, and many characters in the play show reverence for him. Brutus exemplifies his honor in many ways. Brutus is obsequious when he is needed to help his fellow Romans. He is an honorable man. Am I…

Who Is To Blame Romeo And Juliet Essay

Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet began as an ancient ritualistic tale. It was chanted or spoken in unison by a stage full of monks. When Shakespeare was alive and writing his plays, the church was openly opposed to theatre. Sometimes, it could manage to have theatres shut down merely because they believed it was wrong. The church…

Modern Times Essay (452 words)


Words: 452 (2 pages)

Boredom breeds blood and poison. In today’s society, it fails to surprise us that children continue to cling to the messages within music, television, and magazines. Such media portrayals tend to then set a model for how we develop our behavioral patterns. However, once a trend grows old or out of style, a strong sense…

Soldiers and civilians alike Essay



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The second piece to be considered is an extract from ‘Charlotte Gray’ called ‘The Last Night,’ by Sebastian Faulks. In this extract, Faulks describes 2 Jewish orphaned brothers waiting to be taken to a concentration camp. He describes the night before they depart, the surroundings, the people and the emotion. Faulks describes how small gestures…

Famous Chinese Horse Painting Essay



Visual Arts

Words: 387 (2 pages)

In the sass while playing in a hidden cave in Lascar, Prance, many children found a remarkable painting on the wall. After telling about their findings, researches and explorers visited the cave and it Vass then they saw the “Chinese Horse”. The art got its name because it resembled the ceramic horses of the Han…

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