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Oedipus the King: A Story of Fulfilling Prophecy


Words: 310 (2 pages)

Imagine killing your father and sleeping with your mother! This is what Oedipus did! Even though I read this story many times I am still shocked when I read the part of how Oedipus fulfilled his prophecy. It makes me tingle inside! I still cant believe that Jocasta did not know that she married her…

Out line(Joy kogowa Okawoga) Essay Thesis


Words: 269 (2 pages)

Intro The era of world War II, was not only a time in which people lost their lives because of war, but it was also a time in which discrimination of other races occurred. One of which were the Japanese Canadians; this people were brutally taken away from their homes and transferred to interment camps….

Creative writing: “Surface” Essay

Creative Essay

Words: 180 (1 page)

Drowns his sorrow in liquid bliss. Drowns his self as well. Hide all the pain under a bottle. Escape from this depressing hell. The skin pealed back, but so much remains. The pain only grows worse with depth. How much deeper can he go. Before it drives him insane. Torment every day for him. Nothing…

Explores Essay


Words: 315 (2 pages)

jeofrey mondal 6-3-02do you know who Christopher Columbus and frediand Magellan are? Well they are every important people in history. Magellan found a way to travel around the world from the southern tip of south america. Columbus was the founder of North America, he found the land by mistake. Both these men were sailores that…

Life And Reign Of Queen Victoria Essay


Words: 357 (2 pages)

queen victoria was born in 1819 ands hs4e died in 1901. she was queen of the untted kingdom and empress of india. asjdfjasdlkfjslakdfjlllhaskjfhhsadfhksadjfhksafasdfhkshfksah sadkfahdfdkafhksa ahfdj hakfdj h’ahkdfj aif asjahkfj hasi hsdfakf hafhu aisu hfasihf askjhriewt hiastu hai aiufh ak auf ha’jasdflkfja iaodsjf oasi ei fja joaisfj abjajg iagoii oaewitj oaji algjoia; aoijtr aoiej toia aoitj…

Copernicus and His Work on Planetary Motion


Words: 1377 (6 pages)

Copernicus: Innovation in the Renaissance The main theme of the biography “Nicolaus Copernicus: Making the Earth a Planet” in one word is innovation. It is the of pioneering of new ideas that later innovated a whole scientific community and challenged the blind acceptance of “known” concepts through his theory of Heliocentrism. This theory of Heliocentrism…

Sunset on the Sea Essay (191 words)


Words: 928 (4 pages)

To me, a place I go for relaxation is the beach, because it is almost always calm and quiet with a steady ocean breeze. The weather at the beach abides almost always beautiful, the sun is still shining, and the waves are always crashing. It is different than any other place; it always brings a…

RICHARD III – A monologue from the play by William Shakespeare Essay

William Shakespeare

Words: 346 (2 pages)

A monologue from the play by William Shakespeare RICHARD: Look what is done cannot be now amended:Men shall deal unadvisedly sometimes,Which after-hours gives leisure to repent.If I did take the kingdom from your sons,To make amends I’ll give it to your daughter;If I have killed the issue of your womb,To quicken your increase I will…

Advantages of Teamwork (255 words)


Words: 255 (2 pages)

Teamwork is a huge factor in companies around the world. Most companies survive off of teamwork. Teamwork brings a sense of security, trust, and loyalty to employees as well as employers. Without teamwork, morale can be lowered. If morale is lowered, then productivity could be lowered as well. Companies are aware of this fact, so…

Different types of bullying and the potential effects on children Essay



Words: 1453 (6 pages)

When family physician Michael Munger, MD, steps into one of his exam rooms, he does not always know what to expect. He recently entered the exam room to find one of his patients, a young adolescent we will call Mitch, sulking in a chair next to his mother. He knows Mitch, because he’s cared for…

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