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The tatty sky blue car

Christopher Columbus


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In a bustling city in Columbia, a tatty sky blue car, that must have been well into it’s thirties, pulled up outside a down-standard hotel, just outside the city center. A very average looking man jumped out of the passenger side and the car drove off, leaving a huge cloud of black smoke behind it….

Siddhartha Enlightenment Essay (1249 words)


Words: 1249 (5 pages)

Siddhartha ‘Siddhartha’ takes place in India probably around 570-480B. C. or 470-380B. C. There is two possibilities when this story takes place, because the date of the Buddha has two theories. Normally, Siddahartha is the name of Buddha but in this story, Siddahartha and Buddha is a different person. Siddahartha was a Brahmin’s son. He…

Role of Women in Canterbury Tales Essay


Canterbury Tales


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The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer serves as a moral manual for the 1300s and years after. Through the faults of both men and woman, he shows in each persons story what is right and wrong and how one should live. Under the surface, however, lies a jaded look and woman and how they cause…

Much Ado about Nothing Act 2 analysis Essay


Much Ado About Nothing

Words: 1082 (5 pages)

Much Ado About Nothing is a play about love, relationships, truth and illusion, reality and disguise, trickery, deception, male honor and female virtue, and villainy. This play set in Messina, Sicily and is based around about the contrasting relationships of two couples – the witty and unconventional couple of Benedick and Beatrice, who are described…

The Sherlock Holmes stories Essay

Sherlock Holmes

Words: 1182 (5 pages)

Sherlock Holmes is introduced later on in ‘A Study in Scarlet’ as a detective, this is after he has demonstrated his skill to Watson and to the reader and firmly established himself as an intelligent man. Sherlock Holmes’ nature as a detective is important as at the time it was written London was growing and…

On the Road to His Grave Essay (1156 words)

On The Road

The Road

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JFKBy a razor-thin margin in the November 1960 election, John F. Kennedy was elected as the 35th president of the United States. Most Americans admired his winning personality, his charisma, and his assiduous energy. He won the hearts of the nation with his charm and youth. Tragically, an assassin’s bullet cut short Kennedy’s term as…

Expanding Views on Death: From Daylight to Darkness Essay


Words: 1164 (5 pages)

Expanding Views on Death: From Daylight to Darkness Donald Barthelme’s short story “Some of Us Had Been Threatening Our Friend Colby’ dissects the concept of planning a death and fleshes out its many facets; specifically highlighting its less dark side. The brief plot revolves around a meeting among ten friends, Colby and the narrator included,…

A fire in the basement Essay (1137 words)



Words: 1137 (5 pages)

A jolt of energy, imagination, color and creativity hit the San Francisco and New York theatre communities this past season, and it came from an unexpected quarter: the Soviet Union. Not from the new Russia, jittery and vibrant with the ongoing process of perestroika; not from the twilight of old Russia, where Chekhov and Stanislavsky…

A Christmas Carol Essay Scrooge Change

Christmas Carol

Words: 1140 (5 pages)

Charles Dickens describes ‘A Christmas carol’ as ‘a ghost story for Christmas. ‘ In what ways can the novel be considered a ghost story? And why is it an appropriate tale for Christmas? Nearly all conventions of the ‘ghost story’ genre are the same. The typical opening for a ghost story would be for there…

Portrait of a Beautiful Woman Essay


Words: 1191 (5 pages)

Slamming his brush down on the palette splattering paint all over his work, Amiel Pardo was so disgusted with the model he bellowed, “Will you get dressed and get the hell out of here! ” He stomped out of the studio and went down into his study screaming, “This is so frustrating, it is making…

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