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Gender Roles in the 2000 Film Billy Elloit Essay


Words: 863 (4 pages)

In the 2000 film, “Billy Elliot,” we meet an eleven-year-old boy who struggled to come to terms with his passion for ballet. Jamie, Billy’s father, was quick to forbid him from taking lessons, expressing that ballet is a female pastime; currently this statement remains relevant because the gender social norm still discriminates between what is…

The Slums of Two Different Worlds Essay


Words: 940 (4 pages)

There are many similarities between Meirelles’s City of God, released in 2003 in Brazil and Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire, released in 2008 in the United Kingdom, at the most the two films being comparable of main characters. These similarities are two different by two different sides of the world and how the main characters get…

Analytical Art – Fiona Hall Essay

Analytical Essay

Words: 928 (4 pages)

This artwork by Fiona Hall, named Book XIII: Trees and their use in supplying perfume (1991) is a part of her series (Historia Non-Naturalis) that is heavily based around nature and culture. Hall first emerged in the 1970’s as a photographer, then after discovering a range of art forms, began her journey as an artist,…

Poetic analysis of Ben Jonson Essay


Words: 823 (4 pages)

He lived a violent life at times and had a few run-ins with the law. By all appearances it may have seem he was a brutish rogue but underneath It all he had the heart of a romantic. Ben Johnson wrote many lyrical poems and he was keenly adept at illustrating and portraying contemporary people….

Marijuana legalization Essay Paper


Words: 894 (4 pages)

The topic of marijuana legalization has been a hot topic for many years. To both sides of the argument there are many pluses and minuses. I personally feel that legalization of marijuana would be a great benefit to this country. In the complex society we live in however it is very hard to distinguish the…

Oedipus The King (876 words) Essay


Words: 875 (4 pages)

Oedipus The KingSometimes humans try to avoid their inevitable destiny for their lives; thereare moments that we may think of ourselves as invincible and smarter than whatis already decided. There may also be a point when making a decision leads to agreat error in judgment. In Oedipus the King, written by Sophocles, both ofthese problems…

George Orwell Essay (846 words)

George Orwell

Words: 846 (4 pages)

George Orwell published 1984 in 1949, the same year that the Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb. The arms race that followed the Soviets’ development of nuclear weaponry quickly escalated into the Cold War, which raged for the next four decades as the enormous ideological gulf separating capitalism and democracy from totalitarianism and Communism…

Shakespeare’s play Essay (850 words)

William Shakespeare

Words: 850 (4 pages)

Shakespeare’s play, ‘The merchant of Venice’, is set in 16th century Venice, which was the time of Shakespeare. The play starts off with a deal made between Christian, Antonio, and a Jewish moneylender, Shylock. A pound of flesh was to be owed if Antonio didn’t repay the money back in time. There was a massive…

Chaucerian times Essay (868 words)


Words: 868 (4 pages)

The wife is renown from the beginning of the prologue as a character with little regard for anything or anyone else with her carefree attitude displayed most commonly in her speeches about sex. However in regard to the entire prologue as ‘a tale of licence and lust’ would perhaps be a too restricted overview. The…

The Crucible: Although Abigail And The Girls Initi Essay


Words: 863 (4 pages)

ate The Tragedy, ResThe Crucible: Although Abigail and The Girls Initiate The Tragedy, ResponsibilityLies With the Whole Salem CommunityAlthough Abigail and the girls initiate the tragedy, responsibility lies withthe whole Salem community. Discuss. I do believe that Abigail and the girls initiated the tragedy, what with alltheir talk about spirits and the conjurance with the…

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