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    Essay on Junk Food By Judith Warner Essay

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    The essay Junking Junk Food by Judith Warner, brings to the audience ‘s attention the wicked problem of how there has been a decline in Americans health. Warner’s information speaks loudly about the effects of the government trying to limit types and amount of food we consume as a nation. The Obama administration tried to enforce a healthy lifestyle among the citizens by focusing on the youth and taking away sugar options for them. These efforts by the administration are being mocked by Warner because without the government controlling what we eat, we cannot make the proper decisions ourselves. Majority of Americans today are either obese or overweight and the best way to change Americans is by attitudes and culturally.

    The 78 million adults and 13 million children in America who are obese are at risk for health and financial problems. While we continue to be more aware of this health issue, we still have few ideas to correct it. According to Warner the one of the most successful examples in time of food rationing by the government was during World War World War II. This time it will take more than that to cut down on consumers intake. Obesity is a fast growing disease that spread widely across America that is a result of incompetency, convenience and financial situations. Blaming incompetency may seem strange, but with obesity rates growing at eye opening rate you can assume over consuming is occurring.

    While this is occurring many Americans lack nutritional information on their food and not only if it is missing, it is very difficult to understand or find. It is easy to state that it is difficult to find serving sizes and ingredients especially at fast food restaurants. While salads are the healthier option they seemly can be . .rner’s essay, “Junking Junk Food” connects to Zinczenko’s “Don’t Blame The Eater” in both addressing the topic of obesity. Where it is not the responsibility of the consumers.

    Fast food is very unhealthy has lack of nutritious components and value but is ready quick, and from there on that ‘s when the consumer must learn to make the good choice for themselves. Though, for majority of Americans the role of incompetency, convenience and financial state comes into play when making the unhealthy food choice, but it must end somewhere. Healthy food must be made more available, affordable and quick. As Warner says the people must understand that the difference can be made by changing attitudes, culture, and habits. This will not be easy and will take time but then there will be no excuse for consumers to make anymore and will put an end to the fast growing obesity disease.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay on Junk Food By Judith Warner Essay. (2019, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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