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    Essay on How Professional Development Is Essential Essay

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    Professional development is a process of increasing and improving the performance of workers through access to education and training opportunities in the workplace, through outside organizations, or through watching others perform the task. Basically it helps in improving the teamwork among the workers and also it helps to attract high quality workers in an organization. This also helps in the one to make the right plans for the new products and the smooth running of the business.The need for a continuing professional development is key and essential in one’s career. It helps one to be competent in your profession.

    It is supposed to be an ongoing process and should continue throughout the professional career. The ultimate results of good and planned continuing professional development is that it protects the public, the employer, the professional and the professional’s career.Also the need for continuing professional development is that it ensures that one’s capabilities are kept in pace with the current standards in the market in the same field compared to the others. It also helps in ensuring that you maintain and improve the knowledge and skills one’s need to deliver a good service to the customers, clients and the community. It also helps one’s knowledge to stay be relevant and up to date. Due to the improved technological advancement one need to keep on being up to speed with the latest technology in order to be relevant to the market otherwise you be left behind with the outdated knowledge.

    Also continuing development aids in making a meaningful contribution to your team. This helps one to be very efficient in the work station. This helps one to improve career and rise into more influential positions where you can easil. .ifying a suitable mentor helps one to acquire knowledge easily. Mentors help in keeping one in to speed by allocation of the task which led to research to complete the task.

    Looking for related opportunities to learn also helps in the development of professional skills. Different opportunities help one to have a wide scope of doing different things and a vast knowledge. This is developed by attending seminars and conferences that are related to one’s career. This is accompanied by some accompanied by some charges that are required for the attendance.Planning one’s career is also very important. Determining what one needs in his career also helps one to know which conferences and seminars to attend.

    Also, knowing where one need to transits ones career also helps in planning one’s career to determine the break point to transit to the other career but of the same field.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay on How Professional Development Is Essential Essay. (2019, Feb 18). Retrieved from

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