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    Essay on America Needs Obamacare Essay

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    In the United States, the health market system is defective to the citizen. Even though the market is available to all citizens; There are at least half of a million Americans without health insurance plans. The costs of health in the United States have historically been unfavorable. This can be traced to the fact that the health sector is driven by a market-based system (Fernandez, 2010; Harris, 2011). This means that most of the health insurance companies are privately owned.

    The companies provide including basic medical expense plans and catastrophic hospital expense plans to accommodate the needs of consumers. It also offers supplemental products that provide protection against risks, including dental, vision, disability, critical illness, accident, hospital indemnity, and multi-benefit products. For many years, the American population had been subjected to severe exploitation by medical insurers, through imposition of hefty medical covers. The establishment of the The Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act is now one of the most historical acts in the United States, considering that the act was championed by the United States president; Barack Obama. In the recent past, various policies introduced by the government have positively affected health care system in the United States. Consumers who are displeased with minimum restrictions of health care insurers may avoid signing up for insurance plans.

    As an example, since the beginning of the Obama care plan; health insurance for family coverage’s has risen up to $5,000 dollars. The premiums are low but the deductibles are high. Government taxes may cause little freedom and discourage patients to apply for health insurance. This can cause a downfall for physicians and organi. .E PublishingJost, T.

    S. (2009). Legal Solutions in Health Reform: Health Insurance Exchanges. Legals issues., pp, 1-4. http://scholarship. O’Malley, J. (1989). MEDIGRAPHICS: A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON HEALTH CARE MARKETS. Journal Of Health Care Marketing, 9 (1), 64-66. .

    MEDIGRAPHICS: A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON HEALTH CARE MARKETS. Journal Of Health Care Marketing, 9 (1), 64-66. Retrieved From Ashford University Library. Martin, C. (2012). Obamacare brilliantly explained.

    Http//: Marton, C & Martin, W. (Jan/ Feb 2013). How health care reform will affect you.

    Aequus Wealth management Newsletter., E. S. (2012).

    US health care policy making: Ideological. Social and cultural differences and major influences. Springer Texts in Business and Economics, pp 1-26.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay on America Needs Obamacare Essay. (2019, Feb 20). Retrieved from

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