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    Essay How I Stay Safe With Online Dating Essay

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    How to Stay Safe With Online DatingIn recent years, online dating has become very popular with 1-in-5 Americans aged 25-34 years old using one or more of the many popular dating sites and apps, such as, OkCupid, and PlentyOfFish. With the stigma of online dating gone, it’s turned out to be a great way to date, have fun, and potentially fall in love.However, online dating’s major drawcard is also it’s biggest flaw: you have no idea who the person you’re talking to really is. Romance scams are among the most common form of internet fraud, accounting for over $86 million dollars lost by Americans in 2014.

    It’s not only internet fraud that you need to think about, there is also the chance of physical harm. CallerSmart is all about protecting you from unknown or unwanted phone calls and texts. When meeting new singles online, exchanging phone numbers is usually one of the first things you do once you decide to meet in person. CallerSmart has an immense database of phone numbers and crowd-sourced information which lets you check your potential date’s number to see if anyone has commented on them. Many comments are positive, while others let you know if the person is a cheater, creep, or scammer.Getting Started:Regardless of age, gender or sexual orientation it ‘s important to take certain precautions when setting up your online profile and meeting people in person.

    When setting up your profile there are a few tips to follow: Most dating sites require that you use an email to sign up. It’s a good idea to create a separate email that you use specifically for dating. It’s easy to create a free Gmail account and not only will this help keep you organized, but it will keep the new contacts that you make while dating se. .blic place and avoid secluded areas. If you drive don’t let your date walk you to your car and never share a ride until you know your date better.

    Always tell a friend the details of who, what, when and where.In addition to these tips, the University of Illinois LGBTQA Resource Office created a great list of things to keep in mind when meeting people online.The majority of the people you meet online will be like-minded individuals looking for love and companionship just like you. However, remember the best thing about online dating is also the worst thing. You will be meeting people outside of your social circle who could be lying to you about their identity and intentions. By doing simple things like making sure to tell a friend where you’re going and who you’ll be with you can make sure that you stay safe while having fun and meeting new singles in your area.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay How I Stay Safe With Online Dating Essay. (2019, Feb 20). Retrieved from

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