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    My essay is based on the film Chicken Run

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    However when we see Ginger, she always congregates with the chickens and never leaves anyone out as she’s willing to hear everyone’s ideas and views on plotting a plan of escape. It shows she’s a determined character and is always willing to try out a plan; it goes to show that she’s a good character and leader. Although when we see Mr Tweedie giving suggestions to his wife, she always roles her eyes and scowls at him, making him feel small. She takes little interest in what her husband has to say and feels he’s silly and her importance is far greater than her husband.

    She always does things her way and bosses Mr Tweedie around like a slave to do things as she wishes. Once again this brings out how Mrs Tweedie is the mean and bossy character who thinks highly of herself and her importance. This causes the audience to have a very negative feeling towards Mr Tweedie as he’s always following his wife’s orders and therefore tells us that he too is on the evil side with is wife, but possibly is scared of his wife and fears her, hence he does as he’s told.

    A film is not just about characters and action, instead it’s about how the filmmaker’s use a variety of presentational devices to influence the way in which the audience thinks. The presentational devices help add emphasis to the characters and highlight certain features that the audience can easily pick up on and then direct their thinking. The main presentational devices such as lighting, setting, sound, camera movement/angles, character interaction, effects, and props all are what help to understand the obvious and lead the audience’s thinking.

    Overall we know that Mrs Tweedie is an evil character and Ginger is the good. The main presentational devises all show and back up the characters personalities. For example, at the very beginning we see the moon, and then the camera panes down and reviles the barbed wire, which makes the viewer think of a prison or a type dangerous setting. We then are introduced to Ginger who we see attempting an escape in the dead of night.

    The lighting is very minimal and is only on Ginger who we see wearing bright coloured human clothing when the camera is in a close up shot. The lighting also helps the audience see her expression and body language, as she runs around the place hiding behind assorted obstacles in the farm. The sound used is eerie and mischievous, which get the audience thinking that Ginger is now on the run or on a mission. This all helps the viewer realise that Ginger is a good and innocent character.

    When we first see Mrs Tweedie we see her lit from the back at a low angle shot, the camera starts at the bottom zoomed into her feet, and so we first she her wearing pink fluffy slipper, this gets the audience thanking that is a good character, however it’s not long before that impression switches sides and becomes the opposite. The music, although is not positive, it’s more mysterious tense. As the camera panes its way up, we get to see more of Mrs Tweedie and now see she’s wearing a pink dressing gown. This makes the audience think that she’s a good character.

    However, her posture is far sterner with her hands on her hips and standing tall, lit in back lighting creating a dark silhouette. Until we her speak, the audience a on the impression she’s a good person. Her tone of voice is of a sharp and authorising; the way in which she speaks makes a clear impression that she’s not so nice after all and that the pink soft fluffy clothing is used ironically. So from the very beginning we get an insight to the characters and from that the audience can determine who’s good and evil, just by the way in which the presentational devises are used on each character.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    My essay is based on the film Chicken Run. (2018, Jan 30). Retrieved from

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