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    Essay about My Dream Job Would Be An Investment Banker Essay

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    My dream job would be to become an Investment Banker, however although the benefits of the job are spectacular so are the drawbacks. Investment Banking is different from Commercial Banking, which is what most people think of when they hear the word bank, commercial banks serve as managers for deposit accounts for businesses and individuals, whereas investment banks speed up the purchase and sales of bonds, stocks and other investments. Investment banking mainly involves “helping companies and governments issue securities, helping investors purchase securities, managing financial assets, trade securities and providing financial advice” (Careers-in-Investment-Banking, 2011). There are many roles an Investment Banker plays in a company, including saving the company time and money, by figuring out what the risks are that come with any given assignment. An Investment Banker serves as a coordinator between a company and investors when the company is ready to disperse bonds or stocks.

    They should an expert in their specific market field, as part of their job entails advising others based on the current state of the economy (Investment Banker, 2015). The working conditions of an investment banker is usually described as a nightmare. They tend to work from 10:00 am until 2:00 am on a regular weekday (Joule, 2015). For most investment bankers the hours aren’t the problem, it’s the unpredictability of the work. You seemingly lose control over your life and are perpetually on call, a call that you must answer whatever the hour or holiday. Most bankers find it easier not to plan too far ahead for fear of having to cancel at the last minute due to work (Joule, 2015).

    Investment Banks are usually located in the financial centers around the wo. . though it seems glamorous from the outside seems to be quite stressful, and a little terrifying. When I first starting looking into Investment Banking, I was appalled at all the negative experiences people had, about it sucks you in and drains the life out of you. But then there were a few encounters that laid out both the bad and the good, and how after a few years of paying your dues, it starts paying off, you begin to realize how far you’ve come as a person and what you have achieved and what a beautiful new work ethic you now have instilled within you. Through this inquiry paper I have found a new possible career path, although I would like to only work a few years in the investment banking world before breaking into the world of Corporate Finance.

    Which I am hoping will become more understandable due to my background level of experience in Investment Banking.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay about My Dream Job Would Be An Investment Banker Essay. (2019, Feb 20). Retrieved from

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