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    Epic Poem Characteristics in Beowulf

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    Actions of the hero set the fate for the group or nation
    Nation of Hrothgars is threatened by Grendel and a hero is needed.
    Hero performs courageous deeds
    Beowulf defeated other monsters and sets out to kill Grendels mother.
    Plot has supernatural beings and events, and may involve a long dangerous journey.
    Beowulf gets hand picked men and sets out for Hrothgars, Grendels spell is supernatural, snapped Grendels claw, swims for hours.
    Character gives long formal speeches
    Beowulfs greeting and intro to Hrothgars
    Poem reflects timeless values of courage and honor
    Beowulf promises to defend Hrothgar
    Poem deals with universal ideas of good and evil
    Grendel represents evil and Beowulf represents good

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    Epic Poem Characteristics in Beowulf. (2018, Jan 15). Retrieved from

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