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    English Test. Harlem Renaissance.

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    What are the birth dates of the following people?
    Nikki Giovanni (1943-Still Alive)
    Paul Dunbar (1872-1906)
    Langston Hughes (1902-1967)
    Gwendolyn Brooks (1917-2000)
    Who was called the Poet Laureate of Harlem?
    Langston Hughes
    Who was a leader in the black oral poetry movement?
    Nikki Giovanni
    Who was the first African American to win the Pulitzer Prize?
    Gwendolyn Brooks
    Who was also the author of children’s books and poetry?
    Gwendolyn Brooks
    Who was known for his use of jazz and black folk rhythms in his poetry?
    Langston Hughes
    Who succeeded Carl Sandburg as Poet Laureate of Illinois ?
    Gwendolyn Brooks
    Who was one of the first black writers to gain national prominence?
    Paul Dunbar
    Who was the child of former slaves?
    Paul Dunbar
    Who was born in Knoxville, Tennessee and is a professor at Virginia Tech?
    Nikki Giovanni
    Who wrote the play Mullato?
    Langston Hughes
    How many times was Mullato performed on broadway?
    373 times
    Who was called the “busboy poet”?
    Langston Hughes
    Who published his volume of poetry, Oak and Ivy at his expense?
    Paul Dunbar
    Who became more outspoken against racial discrimination after 1968?
    Gwendolyn Brooks
    Who wrote Sacred Cows and Other Edibles as a global outlook?
    Nikki Giovanni
    Who wrote the Bean Eaters in 1960?
    Gwendolyn Brooks
    Who was a newspaper correspondent during the Spanish Civil War?
    Langston Hughes
    Whose innovations in form and voice influenced many others?
    Langston Hughes
    Who used poetry as a vehicle for social protest?
    Langston Hughes
    Whose writings reflect pride in her heritage
    Nikki Giovanni
    Whose collections of poetry, Cotton Candy on a Rainy Day focused inward, looking especially at family and relationships?
    Nikki Giovanni
    Who disregarded classical forms in favor of musical rhythms and the oral and improvisatory traditions of black culture?
    Langston Hughes
    Whose collections of poetry, Black Feeling, Black Talk, and Black Judgement captured the militant attitude of the civil rights movement?
    Nikki Giovanni
    Who became a poetry consultant for the Library of Congress in 1985?
    Gwendolyn Brooks
    Who wrote more than 50 books, including Shakespeare in Harlem & The Dream Keeper
    Langston Hughes
    “The Bean Eaters”
    Gwendolyn Brooks
    “Knoxville, TN”
    Nikki Giovanni
    Paul Dunbar
    “The Weary Blues”
    Langston Hughes
    “We Wear the Mask”
    Paul Dunbar
    “We Real Cool”
    Gwendolyn Brooks
    Nikki Giovanni
    “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”
    Langston Hughes
    “I Now Why the Caged Bird Sings”
    Maya Angelou
    “Theme For English B”
    Langston Hughes
    Nikki Giovanni
    What poem had an infusion jazz and black folk rhythm?
    “The Weary Blues”
    Which poem is a response to “Sympathy”?
    “I know Why the Caged Bird Sings”
    Which poem uses the collective voice to represent all African Americans?
    “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”
    Which poem uses its grammatical structure to make a statement about life?
    “We Real Cool”
    Which poem is a children’s poem about visiting grandparents?
    “Knoxville, TN”
    Which poem uses personification
    Which poem ONLY uses a caged bird as a metaphor for African Americans?
    Which poem uses a caged bird AND a free bird as a metaphor for African Americans?
    “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”
    Which poem uses objects to explain the poem
    “Bean Eaters”
    Which poem uses actions to explain the poem?
    “We Real Cool”
    Which poem is used as a vehicle for social protest?
    “Theme for English B”
    Which poem uses dialect to make it seem more realistic
    “The Weary Blues”
    In which poem does “we” represent African Americans who have been the victims of racism and prejudice?
    “We Wear the Mask”
    Which poem makes a statement about segregation and discrimination by a detailed description?
    “Theme for English B”
    1. Which poem is an imitation of its title? 2. Which poem explains the title?
    1. “The Weary Blues” 2. “Legacies”
    What were the three names for the Harlem Renaissance?
    New Negro Movement, New Negro Renaissance, and Negro Renaissance
    What was name of the literary magazine that helped launch the movement?
    During what decade was the height of the Harlem Renaissance?
    What four factors led to the rise of the movement?
    Great Migration, Black Middle Class, Harlem cultural and political center, and new political agenda
    What four factors led to the decline of the Harlem Renaissance?
    Great Depression, riot in Harlem, NCAP & NUL pulled away to focus on social issues, Black writers moved out of Harlem
    What are the three works that signified a new creativity in black literature?
    Articles, Reviews, and Annual Prizes
    Who were two important people in the Harlem Renaissance?
    McKay and Hughes
    From what novel is the “Mrs. Flowers” selection?
    “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”
    Who wrote “Mrs. Flowers”?
    Maya Angelou
    Who wrote “Harriet Tubman”?
    Ann Petre
    What was Harriet Tubman’s nickname? Why?
    The Black Moses. She freed slaves like Moses did in Egypt
    Who wrote “Raymond’s Run”
    Toni Cade Bambara
    What was wrong with Raymond?
    He was mentally disabled
    What was the moral of the story?
    She saw that “All people have value”
    Who wrote “The Treasure of Lemon Brown”?
    Walter Dean Meyers
    Who wrote “Refugee in America”?
    Langston Hughes
    What was Lemon Brown’s treasure?
    Newspaper clippings & a Harmonica

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    English Test. Harlem Renaissance.. (2017, Sep 05). Retrieved from

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