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    English-Poems-The Two Ravens

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    What are the two ravens discussing in the opening stanza?
    What are they going to eat?
    Name the people who know about the location of the slain knight.
    His hawk, the hound, his fair lady.
    What does each character do after they learn aboit tje knights death?
    Tha lady finds a new mate;
    th hound goes hunting and leaves; the hawk flew away.
    False love:
    the lady moves on quickly
    dogs are supposed to be loyal; this dog left the knight
    “newly slain”; no one knows where the knight is.
    Who are the narrators of the poem; how do they reinforce the mood?
    They are ravens, which are kind of symbols of death.
    “Many a one for him makes moan, But none shall know where he is gone”
    Many know him, but do not know where he went.
    Form a theory of what may have happened to the knight. Does the poem lose or gain effect?
    The lady could have killed him. The lady’s new mate could have killed him.
    I think that not telling who killed the knoght creates suspense and make the poem better.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    English-Poems-The Two Ravens. (2018, Jan 16). Retrieved from

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