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    English IV – Poetry Test Study Guide (Poems)

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    “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”
    – Author: Christopher Marlowe
    – ‘Come live with me, my love, and we will travel the world together. I will give you all the gifts the world has to offer; young boys will sing and dance, delighting in our love. If this sounds good, come and be with me.’
    “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd”
    – Author: Sir Walter Raleigh
    – Reply to the ‘Passionate Shepherd.’
    – ‘If the world was actually a perfect place, then maybe I would come and live with you; however, I know that time changes nature, wealth, and feelings. Love will fade, and bitterness will come out. Maybe, if time didn’t change and love stayed the same, I would be with you.’
    “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time”
    – ‘Old Time is passing; you’re getting older. The best years are your youth, so make the most of them. Get married while you’re young so you won’t grow old and realize you’re all alone. Do things before it’s too late.’
    “On My First Son”
    – Author: Ben Jonson
    – Ben Jonson mourning the death of his son.

    1. He expected too much of his son; he hoped for too much good in his life.

    2. God gave him a loan (his son) for 7 years, and now he’s paid it back by giving back up his son in death. Life is not ours, and God is in control.

    3. Ben Jonson is glad his son escaped all the bad of the world.

    4. He shall never love anything more than his son for the rest of his life.

    5. He compared his son to his poetry; his son is his best creation; he died along with his son.

    Psalm 23
    Parallel lines: 2-5 (He…eth) / 9-10 (Thou…est).
    – God is always with you no matter what, even in death.
    – Everyone, you and your worst enemies included, is reconciled in God’s house.
    The Parable of the Prodigal Son
    – Youngest son went out into the world and wasted his inheritance on earthly things; he came back to his father’s house and was forgiven and accepted back into his life.
    – You are the son of God, and even though you mess up, God will always love, forgive, and take you back into his arms.
    – Younger Son: humanity; we always sin and run from God.
    – Swineherd: the bottom of the pit; the lowest point in life.
    – Elder Son: “Godly” Christians. People who don’t think other “lowly” people deserve to be helped and given second chances.
    Sonnet 29
    – Author: Shakespeare
    – Speaker talks about lost talents, abilities, power, riches, hope, and friends.
    – Turn occurs in Line 9, where the speaker remembers someone close to him, someone he loves.
    – This makes him more positive and happy.
    – He talks about comparing himself to a Lark singing to heaven’s gate. He’s happier, and this is a description of joy.
    Sonnet 30
    – Author: Shakespeare
    – Speaker remembers death, friend’s dying, and time lost.
    – He remembers good times of the past with his love and friends.
    – Turn occurs in Line 13, where he suddenly gets happy.
    – Speaker uses numerous metaphors within the poem.
    Sonnet 71
    – Author: Shakespeare
    – Speaker tells his love to forget him, move on, and to find someone else.
    – He doesn’t want her to be sad after he’s gone; he doesn’t want people to think she’s dumb for mourning his death when she’s so young and could easily find someone new.
    – He uses alliteration throughout the poem: “… you shall hear the surly sullen bell.”
    – He calls the world wise, which is ironic, considering the world keeps prying into his love’s grief, bringing it back up to the surface, which is not wise at all when she’s trying to move on.
    – The world mocks the speaker, even after he is dead and gone.
    Sonnet 116
    – Author: Shakespeare
    – Metaphors are used to describe the steadiness and finality of love: “Love’s not Time’s fool”/”It is an ever-fixed mark.”/”It is the star to every wandering bark.”
    – Love doesn’t change itself or others; it does not change over time; it stays the same.
    – Time is personified as someone who takes beauty and youth away.
    – Line 13 shifts into a tone of “if this is wrong, then I don’t ever wanna be right.”
    – No matter the age, young or old, love is the same for everyone; it never changes.
    “Death be not Proud”
    – Death is a slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men.
    – We may die, but death does not conquer us, as we wake up shortly after to the afterlife.
    – Tone of the poem is mocking/defiant to death.
    – Petrarchan Sonnet because of the rhyme scheme being used (abba abba cddcef).
    – Death shouldn’t be proud, for it can not truly kill us.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    English IV – Poetry Test Study Guide (Poems). (2018, Jan 04). Retrieved from

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