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    English 91A poem titles

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    The Soote Season
    Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
    iambic pentameter; syllabic monotomy
    words violating meteter = season, summer, swift, swallow, winter; jarring point in speaker’s life
    -The soote season, that bud and bloom forth brings
    Slow, Slow, Fresh Fount
    Ben Jonson
    iambic pentameter
    Fresh Fount = alliteration; sad, slow tone of poem
    -Slow, slow, fresh fount, keep time with my salt tears;
    To Autumn
    John Keats
    3 stanzas, eleven lines each, iambic pentameter; ABABCDEDCCE
    -SEASON of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
    The Windhover
    Gerald Manly Hopkins
    sonnet; words broken in middle so that it can rhyme properly; italian sonnet; volta in line 9
    -I caught this morning morning’s minion, king-
    Peter Davidson
    free verse; about love for English language
    -A mouthful of language to swallow:
    Les Murray
    free verse; sounds very important in this poem as they echo the morse code
    -Tuckett. Bill Tuckett. Telegraph operator, Hall’s creek,
    Bloody Men
    Wendy Cope
    anapestic, ABCB rhyme; sarcastic/cynical tone; theme — relationships based on timing & take a lot of time/effort
    -Bloody men are like bloody buses
    John Clare
    3 stanzas, 14 lines each in first 2 and 12 lines in last stanza; iambic pentameter; “and” is used 44 times, making you feel that there is no end and it goes on and on; quick end of last stanza makes it feel more abrupt
    -When midnight comes a host of dogs and men
    Wild Nights
    Emily Dickinson
    3 quatrains, iambic tetrameter; sexual connotations to emphasize feeling of ecstasy
    -Wild Nights – Wild Nights!
    No worst, there is none
    Gerald Manley Hopkins
    Italian sonnet, ABBAABBA CDCDCD, iambic pentameter
    alliteration pitched past pitch
    – No worst, there is none. Pitched past pitch of grief,
    Those Winter Sundays
    Robert Hayden
    multiple run on lines; each stanza represents one idea; no rhyme scheme
    -Sundays too my father got up early
    The Trees
    Phillip Larkin
    12 lines, ABBA CDDCEFFE, iambic tetrameter
    compares life and cycles of a tree to human experience
    -The trees are coming into leaf
    A Supermarket in California
    Allen Ginsberg
    free verse, no rhyme scheme; speaks to Walt Whitman; lots of imagery to show how world became antithesis of Whitman’s ideal world
    -What thoughts I have of you tonight, Walt Whitman, for
    Anglo-Saxon Riddle I
    fourteener; no apparent rhyme scheme
    no clear answer to riddle
    – I am a lonely being, scarred by swords,
    I Have a Gentle Cock
    describing pet rooster
    potential sexual meaning to poem
    5 stanza,20 line poemw/ slant rhymes
    -I have a gentle cock
    The Author to Her Book
    Anne Bradstreet
    single stanza, 24 line poem in heroic couplets
    -Thou ill-formed offspring of my feeble brain,
    An Apology for Writing So Much Upon this Book
    Margaret Cavendish
    1 10 line stanza w/ rhymingcouplets, iambic pentameter
    -Condemn me not, I make so much ado
    Some things that fly there be
    Emily Dickinson
    3 stanzas of 3 lines each; first 6 lines rhyme, last 3 lines rhyme
    -Some things that fly there be —
    I like to see it lap the miles
    Emily Dickinson
    5 stanzas long, each stanza 4 lines; ballad form
    describes a bird and human trying to interact with it
    -I like to see it lap the miles
    A route of Evanescence
    Emily Dickinson
    8 lines long, 2 stanzas; ballad
    visualize flight of a bird
    – A Route of Evanescence
    Fame is a Bee
    Emily Dickinson
    4 lines long; first 3 lines have 4 syllables and last line has 6 syllables
    -Fame is a bee
    Langston Hughes
    no meter, no particular rhyme scheme
    Afr Am Civil Rights movement
    series of similes and one metaphor
    -What happens to a dream deferred?
    Pet Panther
    A.R Ammons
    trochaic, blank verse,metaphors
    -My attention is a wild
    Waking from sleep
    Robert Bly
    12 lines, 4 stanzas, 3 lines per stanza
    no regular meter/rhyme pattern
    -Inside the veins there are navies setting forth,
    W.S Merwin
    -Your absence has gone through me
    I Do Not
    Michael Palmer
    free verse
    poem is in English, and poet describes many complicated things using English – irony
    -I do not know English
    A Martian sends a Postcard Home
    Craig Raine
    17 stanzas, 2 lines per stanza
    no regular metere
    -Caxtons are mechanical birds with many wings
    To a Mouse
    Robert Burns
    8 stanzas, each 6 lines
    Of Mice and Men reference
    -Wee, sleeket, cowran, tim’rous beastie,
    Lord Alfred Tennyson
    poem composed 5 stanzas, iambic pentameter
    -The woods decay, the woods decay and fall,
    Soliliquy of the Spanish Cloister
    Robert Browning
    tetrameter; jealous monk finds more pleasure in flesh than in spirit
    -Gr-r-r — there go, my heart’s abhorrence!
    In Nunhead Cemetery
    Charlotte Mew
    form matches insanity of the persona
    no definite rhyme scheme
    -It is the clay what makes the earth stick to his spade;
    Lady Lazarus
    Sylvia Plath
    free verse
    28 stanzas of 3 lines each
    -I have done it again.
    The Lamb
    William Blake
    trochaic trimeter
    repetition gives it a song like feel
    -Little Lamb, who made thee?
    The Tyger
    William Blake
    6 quatrains
    rhymed couplets
    -Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
    Holy Thursday (songs of innocence)
    William Blake
    3 quatrains, each containing a rhyming couplet
    iambic, fourteeners
    – ‘Twas on a Holy Thursday, their innocent faces clean,
    Holy Thursday (songs of experience)
    William Blake
    4 quatrains, ballad form
    -Is this a holy thing to see
    The Divine Image
    William Blake
    ballad form, iambictetrameter alternating with iambic trimeter
    Mercy, Pity, Love given human characteristics, Peace given dress
    -To Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love
    A Divine Image
    William Blake
    8 syllables, 2 stanzas, quatrain
    human characteristics put things in diff perspective
    -Cruelty has a human heart,
    Easter Wings
    George Herbert
    shape/pattern resembles birds/wings
    no reliabllemeter; chiasmic, like a bird
    -Lord, who createdst man in wealth and store,
    When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer
    Walt Whitman
    no particular rhymescheme; free verse
    -WHEN I heard the learn’d astronomer;
    The Convergence of the Twain
    Thomas Hardy
    each stanzarhymes within itself; shaped like a shipor an iceberg
    -In a solitude of the sea
    The Red Wheelbarrow
    William Carlos Williams
    iambic trimeter and 5 syllable lines
    -so much depends
    The Fish
    Marianne Moore
    structure resembles waves, 1,3,9,6,8
    dark, archaic feeling
    Swan and Shadow
    John Hollander
    free verse,no punctuations, use of capitalization
    shaped in swam and its reflection, but not perfectly
    Above the
    The Window
    Derek Mahon
    shaped like a window frame
    windows connect us with outside world
    Amoretti 1
    Edmund Spenser
    spenserian sonnet
    trochaic pentameter
    -Happy ye leaves when as those lily hands,
    Astophil and Stella
    Phillip Sydney
    italian sonnet, metapoetic
    -Ouing in trueth, and fayne in verse my loue to show,
    Idea 6
    Michael Drayton
    english sonnet, iambic pentameter
    volta at line 13; metapoetic
    How many paltry, foolish, painted things
    Sonnet 15
    life is short and quickly changing; stage metaphor for life
    When I consider every thing that grows
    Sonnet 73
    poem about shrinkage of space and time
    That time of year thou mayst in me behold
    Sonnet 106
    richness in language found in antique literature of past, as opposed to language of the present
    When in the chronicle of wasted time
    Holy Sonnets 14
    John Donne
    italian sonnet
    iambic pentameter; entire poem is extended metaphor – religion vs physical love
    Batter my heart, three-person’d God ; for you
    No worst, There is None
    Gerald Manley Hopkins
    italian sonnet
    things cant get any worse
    -NO worst, there is none. Pitched past pitch of grief,
    The Oven Bird
    Robert Frost
    sonnet, iambic
    There is a singer everyone has heard,
    The Cambridge Ladies
    E.E Cummings
    sonnet, doesn’t conform to a particular meter
    the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls
    The Broken Home
    James Merrill
    composed of 7 diff sonnets all connected thematically
    -Crossing the street,
    The Bistro Styx
    Rita Dove
    greek mythology
    similes, metaphors used a lot
    She was thinner, with a mannered gauntness
    Missing Dates
    William Epson
    dont miss opportunities and dont waste time
    Slowly the poison the whole blood stream fills.
    The Waking
    Theodore Rothke
    -I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
    One Art
    Elizabeth Bishop
    we are okay if we lose material things, and even if we lose people we love we are generally okay
    -The art of losing isn’t hard to master
    Do Not go Gentle into that Good Night
    Dylan Thomas
    villanelle; addressing his dying father
    enjambment stresses urgency in his message
    -Do not go gentle into that good night,
    Ye Goathered Gods
    Sir Philip Sydney Strephon
    double sestina; very comical
    hendecasyllabic (11 syllables)
    2 shepherds mourning the loss of the beautiful loved one and how nothing is same without her
    Ye Goatherd gods, that love the grassy mountains,
    Elizabeth Bishop
    enjambment symbolizes connection btwn repeating words
    -September rain falls on the house.
    The Book of Yolek
    Anthony Hecht
    sestina; no set meter; about Jews in concentration camp; words transform in meaning
    -The dowsed coals fume and hiss after your meal
    The Painter
    John Ashbery
    sestina; painter struggling to complete his works — pattern changes in syllables too, to mirror content
    -Sitting between the sea and the buildings
    Anglo-Saxon Riddle II
    9 line poem; answer may be swan, wind, etc.
    – My dress is silent when I tread the Ground
    Anglo-Saxon Riddle III
    6 line poem, no apparent rhyme scheme
    A moth ate words: a marvellous event
    Western Wind
    speaker seems to be a military man away from home longing for his sweetheart; spelling of Arms as Armys
    Westron wynde, when wylle thow blow
    Lewis Carroll
    From “Through the Looking Glass”
    7 quatrains; iambic tetrameter, except for last line of each stanza, which is iambic trimeter
    nonsense language, surreal aspects; most of vocab is made up
    Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
    anyone lived in a pretty how town
    EE Cummings
    9 quatrains
    no rhyme scheme
    male = anyone, female = noone
    anyone lived in a pretty how town
    Brute Image
    John Ashbery
    1 21 line stanza
    nonsensical poem
    It is a question of altitude, or latitude

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    English 91A poem titles. (2018, Jan 03). Retrieved from

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