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    Engl Poetry Essay

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    One of two listed sounds in the whole poem B. To ask if there is some mistake 1. Does the thought of the horse being there change the poets mind about the outcome of the night? C. The only other sound is the sweep 1 . Second sound D. No true meaning other than wind blown E. Of easy wind and downy flake 1. Easy wind a. Light wind 2. Downy flake IV. Fourth Stanza 1 . The Woods are lovely Dark and Deep A good place to do the deed, 2. Or they are just nice A. But I have promises to keep 1 . Second thoughts B. And miles to go before I sleep 1. A distance 2.

    Or a time span While reading “Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost, it should e noted how the rhythm plays an important role in the mood of this poem. Frost uses a method where the first, second, and fourth sentence of each stanza rime while the third sentence sets put the rime with the next stanzas first, second, and fourth sentences. This flow continues through the fourth stanza where the flow changes pattern. In combination with the monotonous rhythm of this poem, Frost ads in a mild cryptic language causing the reader to question the intent of the message.

    In the first stanza, Frost brings to point that the “Woods” belong to someone else and that they live in the town. This leads the reader in to the thought of who owns the woods and why does it matter, until the next line where it is determined that no one is around to bear witness to the events that might unfold. There follows closely the alliteration of watching the woods fill with snow, which might be taken for the snow covering the evidence of an unbeknownst visitor or inhabitant to the wood.

    The Slow cryptic flow used by Frost provides for the aspect of only a man stopping to watch the snow, however as you read further you find that things become a little more sinister in the choice of wording. As Frost moves onto the second stanza you begin to pick up on the afore mentioned rhythm. This begins with Frost delving into the thoughts of the horse and only witness to the events as they proceed. The first two lines read “My little horse must think its queer to stop without a farm house near. Again referencing the fact that no other persons are near this area of woods at this time of the night. In thought, Frost would also be able to use a statement such as this to postpone or give pause to his thoughts as the reader ponders the thought process of a horse. Frost further points out that the stretch of woods being viewed is very rural. This is made possible by the reference to the location between the woods and frozen lake. In closing the final sentence of the second stanza Frost reiterates the fact that this occurs on “the darkest evening of the year” stating the darkness of the mood.

    In the following stanza Frost returns to the horse, which “gives his harness bells a shake”. This is the first of only two sounds listed in the entire poem. Sounds might normally be associated with a person in a lighter more Jovial mood. Frost uses the lack of sound to put the narrator into what appears to be a deep process of thought. As the poem moves further Allan it is clear that Frost is not thinking of other sounds or even the feelings which would be associated with this type of event.

    There is no mention of the temperature only the implication of the snow falling, and the frozen lake. Yet the sounds are slightly present, similar to an athlete who is preparing for the event. Frost is quiet, internalizing his thoughts, focusing on the task at hand, and not sensing the other areas of life in the world around him. In the fourth and final stanza Frost uses the riming of all four sentences to draw the deader into the climax of the poem, “the woods are lovely dark and deep/ But I have promises to keep/ and miles to go before I sleep/ and miles to go before I sleep”.

    This grouping leads the reader to feel that the narrator has made his mind up that life is not over, “But I have promises to keep” tells the reader that there is something that is important for them, to stick it out, it’s almost over. The conclusion of the poem states that the narrator has “miles to go before I sleep” which is repeated in a slow melodious tune, stating I have time before my life ends, I have things to do and places to go before it is over.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Engl Poetry Essay. (2018, Jan 15). Retrieved from

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