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    Egyptian Poetry Essay (654 words)

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    Poetry is the art of crafting beautiful words into something tangible that expresses the author’s meaning. For most poetry, this entails using different literary devices and elements to enrich the language of the poem. These help to portray the Image the author wants to share with their audience, while making the poem something that Is beautiful. Throughout poetry’s history, different authors have utilized different devices In order to achieve this ultimate poetic goal. Ancient Egyptian poetry, for example, employed several different methods.

    From their love poetry to their elisions hymns, Egyptian poetry was eloquent and beautiful. This enabled it to withstand the test of time and still be recognized thousands of years later. By examining the literature of Ancient Egypt, we can better understand and appreciate the beauty of poetic devices and how they make poetry last for generations. Egyptian poetry consists of several different genres, each utilizing different methods to bring their poetry to life. The first we will examine, religious poetry, is filled with Imagery that brings the mystical to reality.

    In the glorious Hymn to the Sun ND the Elided Hymns, Imagery plays a crucial role. The poems are filled with pictures of another world, a fantastical one that Is unknown to the Egyptians. A beautiful picture Is painted of the world of the gods, Illuminating something that can not visibly be seen. These poems are so effective at striking awe into the hearts of men due to the incredible view that they put before us. For this reason, these poems are still well-known thousands of years later. Although these poems were written on a grand scale, they are also linked back to the reality that the Egyptians knew.

    For example, in the Hymn to the Sun by Generate, the image he paints of the underworld is connected to reality by its link to the Nile Rivers . The poem brings the tangible world to connect with the fantastical world of the gods. By using this literary device, the author enables us to envision his dream world as reality. It Is not so completely far-fetched that we cannot suspend our disbelief. Another genre of Egyptian poetry that we can examine Is that of love poetry. Although It shares a few things In common with religious poetry, these love poems mind their strength in their reliability. Unlike the religious poetry, the love poems of the Egyptians do not paint a beautiful picture of a world we only see in our imagination. Rather, they tell us a story that we can relate to. These poems seem almost like diary entries, as they are filled with all of the passion, wonder, and truth that comes from love. Some of them are not as serious as others, which also lends to their reliability. The poems find their strength in being normal, as opposed to being fantastical like the religious poetry.

    One of the reasons which causes these poems to last for so long is the timelessness of the stories they share. Like mentioned earlier, they almost seem Like journal entries. These love poems are very personal thoughts of real individuals both men and women. They share simple, honest stories of what love Is really like, from simple crushes to flirtation and beyond. These stories translate well Into efficiently. Although these two genres of Egyptian poems are so different, they share the ability to communicate well.

    The love poems utilize the normal and true to reach their audience, while the religious poems paint a brilliant picture of a world unknown to us, while connecting it to the reality that we do know. By using these methods, the authors of these poems are able to connect with their audience and communicate their stories. Authors throughout the ages have utilized these and many other methods to communicate their vision to their audience. By using these techniques, the Ancient Egyptians made their poetry accessible to generations upon generations of people.

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    Egyptian Poetry Essay (654 words). (2018, Jan 02). Retrieved from

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