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    Educational Problems at School (520 words)

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    Younger generations are not receiving the education they need, but what may cause those not acquiring the education they need? Equity gap. Education is a source that gives knowledge to youth at schools, yet some adolescents aren’t getting the education they deserve; the underserved youth.

    The underserved youths are students part of an equity gap having difficulty understanding, or are not taught be excellent educators. Minority, poverty, disabilities, English learners, homeless, foster care and low-income are many disadvantages that the underserved youth face when trying to acquire an education.

    These downsides lead them to less likely graduate high school. Graduation rates indicates youth that are less likely to earn a wage and cascade into poverty. Graduates have higher chances to have better economic and health outcomes; 77.8% for Hispanics, 74.6% African American, 64.6% students with disabilities, and 65.1% English language learners, these rates give an insight on how many teenagers aren’t getting the necessary education to achieve a better outcome.

    The drop of graduation rates also leads to poverty rates because of dropouts not having a diploma or degree to earn a living wage and to them falling into poverty. Many schools have high poverty rates that range from public to combined school; 20% public schools, 18% secondary schools and 9% combined schools are involved in high poverty.

    To reduce the equity gap for adolescents is for schools to step up and practice on educational equality, treating all students equality, must be replaced with efforts that advance educational equity, ensuring all students have the resources they need so they graduate ready for success after high school. States have promoted and improving the outcomes of equity for youth.

    They reward schools because they adopt the inclusive strategies and practices that lead to youth succeeding, higher achievement, and graduation rates. So how can schools systems better understand and make progress on the educational equity for underserved youth?

    Some ways are to check attendance and support attendance, this helps by intervening early and shows that you want to help them. Using an extended year graduation rate as well as a four-year rate, to encourage high schools to work with and even bring back young people who are unable to graduate. Measuring youth access to college and career ready courses to let youth study, expand availability of the many pathways and to push schools to offer opportunities to all youth. Another way is connection.

    Connecting to youth gives you an insight to them opening up and you encouraging them to want to learn and rely on someone, rather than ignoring them and just not caring for their education. In conclusion, all students should be educated equally in classrooms and schools, to be challenged academically, to have teachers who care about them and have access to the supports and resources to educate effectively, and to graduate ready to pursue success that is, to have a positive future.

    Leading students to recognize and advance the dignity, promise, and potential in all students as they strive to graduate high school and college, to excel in their school experiences, and to be fully ready to succeed and shape the life ahead of them.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Educational Problems at School (520 words). (2021, Sep 28). Retrieved from

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