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    Educational Goals: An Application Essay to the MBA Program at the University of Phoenix

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    As a woman who has always had a dream of becoming great, I take pride in knowing that I’ve accomplished part of what I set out to accomplish. I often hear phrases such as, “You’re crazy to keep going back to school,” and “Who does that?” Now, I am on a higher playing field, though back to square one. I am about to make an academic detour from my prescribed path, but it is all worth it in my opinion.

    One day, years from now, when I am dead and gone, I want my children’s children to be able to tell a story of their grandmother and mention how educated and career driven she was.” I am grateful for being introduced to the University of Phoenix by a previous friend I met in undergrad school. He encouraged me and I began to investigate why I should choose the online program at University of Phoenix.

    Four years later, I am a proud graduate of this University and I can honestly say that the skills I’ve gained while enrolled in my graduate degree program has caused me to be the great woman that I once dreamed of. Confidence, leadership, and communication are the three top skills that I’ve acquired during my graduate studies.

    Nursing is not an easy career path and many know that as a first time nursing student attending clinical rotation can be intimidating. I wish that my confidence level was as high then as it is now. Had I not chosen this particular educational institution, I don’t believe I would have acquired this skill to this level.

    One thing I make mention of to every mentoree that I come in contact with is: Be confident. Confidence is knowledge of yourself.” Many fear the unknown, which is natural as human beings; however, the key to becoming confident is to know that there is always a solution to the problem and being able to problem-solve is knowing how you will act in any given situation. Overall, this is foundation for being confident.

    As a nurse with a career in corporate America, there were many things that I had not been previously exposed to. Most nurses work 12 hour shifts, three days a week. If you are a night nurse, you don’t typically associate with the COO, DON, or Presidents of the company. This concept is totally different in corporate America. Most would think that in order to lead you need to have charisma and a power of position in order to lead. I believe that this statement is not at all 100% correct.

    In fact, I will go as far as to say that the best form of leadership is quiet, internal, and self-leadership. In other words, if you do not live up to your own standards and values, how can you expect anyone else to live up to them? Positivity is essential in leadership. Empower your own thoughts and then you will naturally empower the thoughts of others. The ability to encourage others to do things they may have not done is leadership. Lead by example, inspire yourself first, and being a leader to others will come naturally.

    I specifically remember a particular conversation with one of my previous graduate instructors. The conversation did not start off friendly, we did not see eye to eye on a paper that I’d written and I felt that her feedback was quite harsh. I recall making mention of communication being very important, especially when the course is online. She agreed and then said something so profound it never left me. She simply told me, You are correct, communication is the foundation of all relationships.”

    She then explained to me that as I advance in my career communication will grant me the ability to navigate through the toughest of issues, get what I want, and help others get what they want. Presently, I am still applying that simple advice and I strongly believe that because of this, I’ve advanced in my career because of this foundation.

    In addition to acquiring the three powerful skills of confidence, leadership, and communication, I intend to master the additional acquired skills of project management, accountability, and adaptability. Project management is one of the most integral constituents of owning a business. Enhancing the skill of project management will enable me to strategically plan, properly guide, and control resources as a business owner.

    Developing my skill of accountability during my course of study in the MBA program will allow me to create an engaged workforce for my future employees. Adaptability is a critical requirement in order to lead. When a solution does not go over well and the first option is not successful, having mastered the skill of adaptability will allow me to bend without wavering. I am confident that obtaining my MBA at the University of Phoenix will enable me to master these skills and send me on my deviated career path to explore the countless opportunities as a business owner.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Educational Goals: An Application Essay to the MBA Program at the University of Phoenix. (2022, Dec 10). Retrieved from

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