Education: “We Should Cherish Our Children’s Freedom To Think”Education: “We Should Cherish Our Children’s Freedom To Think”This essay is about the article called “We Should Cherish Our Children’sFreedom to Think. ” It was written by Kie Ho, a business executive who was bornand raised in Indonesia. Ho writes this article about why he thinks thatAmerican education is, in many ways better than any other in the world. Heraises the question, “If American education is so tragically inferior, why is itthat this is still the country of innovation?”Everyone seems to have a different opinion when it comes to this topic.
Some feel that the youth of America is lazy when it comes to school. Otherslike Ho, feel that creativity which America has the most of , is something thatpeople tend to dismiss or take for granted. Having the freedom to expressoneself and to be creative can perhaps help a child learn better than any bookor school can teach. Other foreign countries such as Japan, do not allow youngstudents to express their true thoughts. True, they might be able to add orsubtract numbers at a very young age, but they may never find out, who theyreally are.
Ho uses his high school years as an example. In his homeland ofIndonesia he was only able to answer a question when asked. His 6 year old son,brought up in California, at a very young age is able to express his ideas andemotions, even if they differ from the truth. He feels that many Americanparents take this for granted.
True, our public education certainly is notperfect, but we should never rule out perhaps the most important thing, one canposses; freedom of speech.