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    Education and Society Essay (832 words)

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    The readings this week all fell under the category of education and society. The first essay, Frederick Douglass “Learning to Read and Write”, Illustrated his efforts to become literate while being a slave. The following essay, Richard Rodriguez “The Lonely, Good Company of Books”, told of his unlikely passion for reading and how he overcame the loneliness he associated with it. Susan Jacobs, “When Bright Girls Decide That Math Is ‘a Waste of Time”, addresses the phenomenon of young girls giving up on their math studies.

    Finally, Collarbone Carbon’s, “Two Cheers for Brown V. Board of Education” weighs the benefits and drawbacks of integration resulting from Brown V. Board of Education. This essay is going to discuss the intended audience of these writings, along with dissecting the tones and techniques of the authors. In “Learning to Read and write”, Frederick Douglas could be addressing other abolitionists, newly freed slaves, children in a similar position to his own, or the general public as a whole.

    I think that this reads best as an essay intended to inspire and to Illustrate the importance of literacy to all. He writes In a matter-of-fact tone, imply telling the story of the lengths he went to become literate. As Frederick Douglass was a slave, he risked his very life for the ability to read and write. What he gained, however, was far better than the life he lead before his efforts paid off. It was far from easy; he even fought himself in his efforts sometimes, stating, “l envied my fellow-slaves for their stupidity. Fortunately, he used his knowledge as a lifeboat of sorts, and he went on to become a powerful orator, journalist, and most importantly, a free man. “The Lonely, Good Company of Books”, by Richard Rodriguez Is another essay that I eel Is best received by the general public as a whole. Parents of school-aged children could read this and become proactive about their child’s education as it relates to reading. Children who struggle with the desire to read could also benefit from this as it highlights not only the importance, but also the pleasure that comes from books and learning.

    Rodriguez tone Is that of a storyteller also. He reminisces on his childhood and his journey from being uncomfortable with reading to having a love affair with books. He quickly went from thinking that reading was “at best, only a here”, to realizing and embracing the fact that “books could open doors” for him. Richard Rodriguez clearly believes In the power of an open mind of a child and the open pages of a book. Susan Jacobs “When Bright Girls Decide That Math is ‘a Waste of Time” could be best suited for an audience of young girls and their parents.

    The phenomenon of teenaged girls dismissing math as unimportant Is something that has a lasting and negative effect. Jacobs uses an informative yet personal tone. She tells the story of a young girl named Susann who decided that she would drop a math class, stating hat she wouldn’t need it. Susann is awfully similar to the author’s name, Susan. This seems to add a personal touch, Intentionally or not, bringing experience to her argument. Jacobs points out that “In adolescence girls begin to fear that they will be unattractive to boys if they are typed as ‘brains”.

    This seems to be a large part of why 1 OFF galls Tall Deanna; teen seemingly storage themselves walkout even Intending to 00 so. Websites such as Brainwave. Org strive to correct this issue with young girls, and inspire future generations to excel in math and science. Two Cheers for Brown V. Board of Education”, Collarbone Carson would be a good read for anyone interested in education as it relates to minorities in today’s world. His tone is informative yet has feeling behind it.

    He addresses the benefits and drawbacks of integration and its lasting effect on education for minorities. While integration was a stepping-stone to equality, it did not necessarily achieve equality on its own. Collarbone Carson stated, “few African Americans would wish to return to the pre-Brown world of legally enforced segregation, but in the half century since 954, only a minority of Americans has experienced the promised land of truly integrated public education. ” This is to say that perhaps the notion was a little too idealistic and many people were let down.

    Also, many researchers began to focus on the effects of integration on African-American students rather than push to improve the education of those still in the predominately black schools. We are still living in a world of inequality, though perhaps not as drastic as it once was. There is still room for, and a need for, improvement when it comes to equality among all. Each of these essays contained powerful messages on education and society. Proper education is the ticket to a better life for many, a means of growth for the world, and a right that all should have equal access to.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Education and Society Essay (832 words). (2018, Oct 20). Retrieved from

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