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    The Dangers of MDMA

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    EcstasyMDMA also, known as ecstasy, has killed at least 15 young people and doctors are extremely concerned with its long term effect from continued usage. The usage of ecstasy increases every year and is usually taken by teenagers at clubs. But, more importantly the people taking this drug are young and that has to be a concern.

    Many of the drug users have no idea what there in for. Many dont know that it only takes one pill to ruin a lifetime. Like any drug once it enters the human body, eventually the brain comes in contact with it. Thats when the psychological and physical effects come into action. MDMA is currently classified as a Schedule I substance. Until 1985, MDMA was used extensively by psychiatrists and psychologists to help people with certain psychological and emotional difficulties.

    Although it was said to be a aphrodisiac drug there is no evidence to prove it. Many of those who take ecstasy say it brings them a feeling of expansive well being. As the drug comes in contact with the brain, which is the control center for all thoughts, the neurotransmitter called serotonin is alerted. Serotonin controls our sensations of hunger, fatigue and depression. If serotonin increases in a great amount, thats when the user feels satisfied and no guilt for decision on taking the drug. Ecstasy is taken in the form of pills, though there are different types of pills.

    According to some sources, six new designs are produced every month. Some include red and black capsules, known as Dennis the Menace, White Doves, and Hamburgers. An Ecstasy high can last from six to 24 hours, with the average trip lasting only about three to four hours. Ecstasy has the tendency to break down barriers between therapists and patients, lovers, and family members.

    Many of the risk users face with MDMA are similar to those of cocaine. Ecstasy causes many psychological difficulties, including confusion, depression, sleep problems, drug craving, severe anxiety, and paranoia-during and sometimes weeks after taking MDMA. Ecstasy causes confusion because its usually taken at a club where a lot of people attend and loud music is played. Ecstasy is a tolerant drug. In order to get the same effects after a period of time; the user needs to increase the dosage. MDMA has also shown some cases of liver damage and heart attacks.

    Although research has not yielded evidence of Ecstasy-induced brain damage in humans, heavy administration of the drug has produced neurological damage in rats and monkeys. There are also physical symptoms that can occur once on X. For example muscle tension, involuntary teeth clenching, nausea, blurred vision, rapid eye movement, faintness, and chills or sweating. Also, there is evidence that people develop a rash that looks like acne after using MDMA. There is many times when users mix alcohol with ecstasy.

    This action causes the body to become dehydrated. A person on X is known for carrying a bottle of water because their heart is pumping at an extreme pace due to constant moments. A number of deaths have occurred because the users dont drink enough water and become overheated. Another frightening report has been that of internal bleeding in users. This could be due to Ecstasy having anti-coagulate properties-that is, it stops blood from clotting and therefore a person runs the risk of bleeding to death. Ecstasy is most often found in tablet, capsule, or powder form and is usually consumed orally; although, it can also be injected.

    Ecstasy is usually priced at anywhere between $7-$30 dollars each. The effects of the drug stay active within 4-8 hours. Many refer to it as X, but there are other street names such as Adam, X-TC, Clarity, Essence, Stacy, Lovers Speed, Eve, etc. Many drug dealers at nightclubs create the most unusual names for ecstasy, so they wont get caught selling X. Its very difficult to detect a child that is taking ecstasy because it only stays in their body up to 4 days.

    In conclusion, I would like to state my opinions in regards to ecstasy. First of all ecstasy is extremely addictive. The drug user can take up to 4-6 pills depending on how long they have been taking

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    The Dangers of MDMA. (2019, Jan 31). Retrieved from

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