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    Of Mice And Men Dreams Essay (573 words)

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    FOUND: An intelligent young woman on the verge of graduating seeks an opportunity to further her education.

    Coming from a small family, this extremely driven and focused woman needs your help in pursuing her dreams. She would like nothing more than to have a chance to better herself and her future. Going to the college of her choice poses a problem to her family however. The lofty expense of tuition may deter her aspirations of earning a degree and a potential career as a physical therapist. With the generous help your association presents as scholarship money, she will be able to reach and excel past her goals. Goals are not a foreign idea to this talented young leader.

    Since the age of four she has been actively participating in many recreational and competitive soccer clubs. Together with her teammates, scoring and working towards a common goal has been the main purpose throughout her years of play. This game of skill and physical force has taught the young woman about herself and has taught her lessons that can be learned through life. Once a shy timid girl, she has gained an assertive attitude along with the courage to conquer anything that stands in the way of her dreams because of her partaking in soccer. Ambition, respect, motivation, intuition, and the simple idea that hard work combined with cooperation can lead to big rewards has all been expressed to this young woman because of the game, and she takes this off the field into her everyday life. The definition of hard work can only be compared to the course load that she has decided to undertake her senior year.

    While many of her friends already have started slacking off by taking all art classes, she has not been influenced by their decisions. Enrolled in honors classes such as English IV and Pre Calculus, doubling up on her science classes; Physics and Chemistry, while also partaking in after school activities and honor societies, it has proven to extend this woman to the furthest point of her potential. Everyday she endures a new task and undertakes it with the utmost responsibility and precision. The effort which she puts into her everyday tasks reflects what she has learned in these past months from balancing a heavy school load and numerous extracurricular activities.

    This, I believe is what has progressed her maturation process and has made her a great attribute to the world and the society around her. I am this young dedicated woman who has been found. I know the course I would like my life to take, but I am in need of this scholarship in order for this to happen. Becoming a physical therapist has been my dream since I was injured and kept from playing soccer for an entire summer. The knowledge I already have of the subject has driven me to pursue this as a career.

    I have the ability to cope with irritated patients, because I once was one myself and have a better understanding of what they are going through. I know that I am an outstanding candidate for this scholarship and posses all the characteristics that an upstanding student should. My dream is to go to Northeastern University, better my life, interact in the school, and continue to mentally and emotionally grow.I hope that you would like to help and become a part of making this dream a reality.Bibliography:

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Of Mice And Men Dreams Essay (573 words). (2019, Jan 29). Retrieved from

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