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    Drama terroism Essay (788 words)

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    My sister and me had just saved enough money to go on holiday to Bournemouth, after going off drugs 4: We were so looking forward to it. I had packed all my stuff! We were going to stay in 4 star accommodations with a beautiful view of the ocean. We were going to ride donkeys and maybe a horse and carriage thingy. 5: No darling that’s Blackpool. We were going to eat like royalty there. 4: Yer, Harry Ramsay fish’n’chips!

    5: We could of become millionaires, won the jackpot and stay there forever! 4: Yer, I wish we could have been just that 1-minute late. Then we just might have. 5: Sorry were rambling on lets just show you what happened. 4: Yes, lets. 5: We were carrying our cases onto the train. 4: We couldn’t wait! 5: Yes, well SHE couldn’t. Anyway we got a seat and table and opened up our picnic. 4: Strawberry Jaw sandwiches and sausage rolls! 5: (Nudges her) Shut up, girl! Any way a suspicious women came on the Virgin train, she wore a black veil for starters, you could only see a little part of her face, she was on her own too. 4: So suspicious! (5 glares at her)

    What! 5: A young women soon joined us by herself, and another women with a bloke in a suit. 4: He was lovely! (5 pulls face as if she is disgusted by the remark) 5: That’s when it started to go wrong. The women in a veil started shaking, the women and man went up to her to see what was wrong and then, 4: (Interrupts) Bang! (Expresses with body) 5: Yes, bang indeed. After that we died.

    4: Yes, well now go away I have a date with that guy in a suit. 1: Here’s our story. 2: Now I know what you’re thinking. Me and him, no, no. (Looks at him) Not happening babe. We were on the train together because we were going to a meeting down south. 1: And of course SHE didn’t want to be late so we got the early train there. 2: Look. I didn’t know there was a bomber on the train. 1: Yes but didn’t ya think the women looked suspicious. 2: I thought that was Mira! 1: Who?

    2: Mira, you know Mira. She works in your department. Coffee? 1: Oh yeah! What would she be doing there? 2: She was going on holiday. 1: Oh yeah! (Looks away angerly, 1 turns away and starts flirting with 4) 2: Will you please stop doing that it’s really annoying? Nicola shouts “cuie” (Claps loudly) Pay attention! 1: Yes, well, the women started shaking. She didn’t look to good a bit pale. 2: How could you tell she was wearing a veil? 1: (Ignores her) We thought she might be hurt or sick or something so we thought it would be best to ask her if she needed help, you would do the same, wouldn’t you?

    2: No I wouldn’t, if I knew I would have been running around screaming like mad. 1: Such a girl. 2: I am a girl. Nevertheless we went over and I asked her what was wrong then he saw the bomb. She muttered something quietly, HE tried to grab the bomb of her. 1: She then got startled by him and Bang the Bomb went off. 2: I didn’t think she meant to do it though. Not that minute. 1: No I it was my fault I scared her, but there’s probably someone who drove her to it. 2: Hello. (Depressed, very timid)

    Well I guess you want to know what happened then. Well it’s like this, I was taken off the streets, while I was out with my friends on a night out. I was told that they had my parent hostage and they would kill them if I didn’t do this awful thing. They had a video of them crying, and that was enough prove of me that the thing was real. So I tried to get on the earliest train there. But they didn’t let me out of there till sometime near 9. And the bomb was already set to go off in 20 minutes. (Points at people) What would you of done! Or you, or you, or any of you? Oh well, I thought you wouldn’t think much. (Sighs and walks away)

    3: I was a paramedic who was on the train going to work. I was suspicious on anyone having a bomb in the train, especially after 9/11. As, I was just being dropped off at the next station. I heard an almighty bang, which I banged my hand on the table and I felt glass in my forehead. I saw the people around, same with arms or legs, that were surreal and fake that I was there helping all the injured, and some who died in my arms. I felt alone and upset. I was trapped what was I to do?

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Drama terroism Essay (788 words). (2017, Sep 28). Retrieved from

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