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    Drama play review Essay (663 words)

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    ‘Hole in the heart is a well thought out play, written and directed by George Eugeniou. It was not confusing to me at all except at times I found it hard to distinguish between dream world and reality, but if you kept in tune with the play you could really tell what it was about. The story is one filled with anger, jealousy and death In my opinion there isn’t one main character as there is a lot going on with each character but if you had to choose, then at first it’s Tina and towards the end it becomes Rosie.’

    It starts off in a snowy winter, with a young boy freezing to death, loosing his life in a race he was forced to run in, despite warning everyone of his bad heart condition (The hole in his heart). The boy was named Alex. The opening part of the play is emotional and captivating as there is action straight away. But too much monologue. Just before Alex dies, we find out he has a little sister that has been taken away from him and his mum by social services. Whilst dyeing he has a flash back of his mum begging the foster parents of his sister Tina to give her back. (Letting us know that the sister is called Tina and she is with foster parents) and then he dies to be found moments later by his best friend.

    The foster parents now with kids of their own (twins) have just been told by Tina’s social worker, (Miss Fortey) that Tina’s brother has died and they now face the hardship of telling Tina. After telling Tina, she storms out of the room crying leaving the foster mum saying that she is NOT to go to the funeral. Moments later the twins come running in with news that Tina has run away. I like the fact that it was more of a modern day play as it dealt with real issues.

    ‘At this point in the play I started to get into the story an wanted to find out what happened to Tina. For an opening of a play, quite a lot has happened and has been put together nicely to fit in with the rest of the play. Every time (dead Alex) enters the mood changes. As the next scene starts Tina talks to a dead Alex. (Confusing?) No! This acts as her sub conscience a voice or spirit of her brother kind of like a Alex ghost and he helps Tina her daughter through the play. The boy that finds Alex also finds Tina behind a tree; they start talking and then go back to his house.

    Months later in the spring Tina is found by police pregnant and taking drugs. When the foster parents are told they disowned her. Dead Alex gives Tina a prep talk before the social worker comes to remind Tina that they want to take her baby away. (Alex is a very cheerful person as he is still a child but he is still looked up to and treated as an elder, I like that) After the baby is born and Tina gets a flat she has dreams of going to India and seeing her friend again. Alex again gives Tina a good talk on how to keep Rosie as her guardian calls.

    After Rosie has an accident the father shows up and wants to be a part of Rosie’s life and help keep her with Tina but Tina says no she doesn’t need his help. (At this point you really feel bad for Rosie because she could be taken away from Tina through Tina’s own arrogance and pride.) I will let YOU read the rest and be your own judge but in my opinion I would recommend this play to anyone who is interested in watching a good show. It’s emotional and is an excellent play and I really wouldn’t mind reading it again!

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Drama play review Essay (663 words). (2017, Oct 12). Retrieved from

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