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    How would you direct Act 3 Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet for a contemporary audience? Essay

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    The hardest thing to do is make Shakespeare’s words and his story relevant to today’s viewers. What I mean is that it is hard to get the viewers to connect to the story. You’d think they’d get into a story about the doomed young lovers who are thwarting family and feud to fulfill their love for each other, but unfortunately just overcoming the language and difference in culture, traditions and behaviors from Shakespeare’s time to today is difficult. But having modern versions of Romeo and Juliet around makes the play more understandable for example the Baz Lurman’s version of the film which was a modern version of Romeo and Juliet is much more appealing to this young audience.

    They can relate to the guns, the modern clothes, and cars scenes in the movie. By watching this updated version we have viewers who finally see what was going on behind the language and different culture. They can relate what Shakespeare was writing to things that go on in their own culture. This movie makes Romeo and Juliet relevant to a current secondary school student’s concerns, problems, and ideas about life.

    A theatre building usually has two parts which are the auditorium where the audience sit and watch the play and the stage where the play is preformed. Theatres back then in the Shakespearian time had no roofing which was very bad in winter, the ground pit where the poor people sat would be muddy and wet, the rich and the royals will enjoy a play in at the top of the theatre where they get comfortable seats and good view of the play. But looking at today’s theatre where all the latest technology of lighting and sound effects and obviously the play is preformed in an indoor theatre, every one gets the same seats except the rich people, they would book a special room where its has its own balcony and well furnished, even though centuries past on, the theatres rules are the same, which means the poor people back then who are known as the working class are stamped on by the rich class even in theatres. The theatre was probably the only entertainment that people used to entertain them selves by, now people only visit the theatre once a lifetime and sleep during the plays.

    Looking at the history of theatres and what has it done for us. The first proper theatre as we know it was the Theatre, built at Shore ditch in 1576. Before this time plays were performed in the courtyard of inns, or sometimes, in the houses of noblemen. A noble had to be careful about which play he allowed to be performed within his home, however anything that was controversial or political was likely to get him in trouble with the crown. After the Theatre, further open air playhouses opened in the London area, including the Rose (1587), and the Hope (1613). The most famous playhouse was the Globe (1599) built by the company in which Shakespeare had a stake. The Globe was only in use until 1613, when a canon fired during a performance of Henry VIII caught the roof on fire and the building burned to the ground. Theatre performances were held in the afternoon, because, of course, there was no artificial lighting. Women attended plays, though often the prosperous woman would wear a mask to disguise her identity, no women performed in the plays. Female roles were generally performed by young boys.

    In my introduction there will be a backdrop of a bar, the doors will be broken. The stage will be empty except from a cactus in the corner of the stage, the audience will be hearing the wind whistling and hungry vultures screaming. By using these techniques the audience will be expecting a disaster as the stage is empty, which will build up tension and terror in the audience’s souls. A tumble weed will be dancing in and out of the stage during the major parts of the play, during fights the stage lights will be flashing very fast and as soon as it stops the stage will go dark for a couple of seconds, and maybe a scream or two throughout the dead scenes of the play which will drop the audiences hearts. As I said before these techniques build up tension amongst the audience. The costumes will be based on wild western clothes in which I mean a large hat, a plain colored shirt, a waist coat worn over the shirt, a jean trouser with an extra layer of leather on top of the jean preferably brown. The prince will be wearing a long white fur coat which will show to the audience he is a man of fairness and peace.

    The opening scenes of act 3 scene 1 will be the entrance of Benvolio and Mercutio with their hand on their hats and they are walking across the stage with difficulty, the sound on the backstage will play a windy weather, the weather calms down and they sit outside the vandalized bar. Mercutio becomes bored the audience can tell that because the Mercutio stares at Benvolio for a minute and the stage goes quiet, suddenly the audience’s hearts are awakened by a screaming vulture, Mercutio starts to laugh. Mercutio starts to tease Benvolio, he taps him on the head saying “thy head is full of quarrel as an egg is full of meat “A thunder storm blazes through the stage and Benvolio hops of his seat crying “by my head here comes the Capulets” Mercutio smile and crosses his legs and shouts out “by my heal I car not” after this the character of Mercutio will appear to the crowd as a brave person.

    The stage will be dead quiet and the smoke will start to concur the stage, a spot light will focus on Tybalt as he marches into the stage, Tybalt will walk and stand a inch away from Mercutio then he turns to the side and spits on the floor and demand to know where Romeo is, by then the audience will think Tybalt is a powerful character because he doesn’t seem to careless about the others presence, Benvolio as he is the peaceful character keeps holding back Mercutio away, and Mercutio is very furious and starts clenching his fists. Mercutio will then Push Benvolio out of the way and steps up nose to nose to Tybalt and challenges him, Tybalt will reply’s “you should find me apt to that sir” by replying with full manners he is showing Mercutio that he is not afraid or angry.

    Romeo enters the stage whistling from happiness after him being wed to Juliet he will then freeze and look directly into Tybalts eyes, Furiously Tybalt will say ” here come my man” which will inform the audience that Tybalt is here for Romeo. Tybalt will then take two guns out and hold one and the other gives to Romeo but Romeo will refuse. Mercutio will shout out “I will” And he gets a reply faster than lightning by Tybalt that he agrees. Then Tybalt will turn around to look at Romeo then turns back to Mercutio and draws his gun Romeo will start running and screaming “no” and suddenly the light will die out, anticipation will build across the audience. The light will awake and the crowd will be struck with this scene of Mercutio lying dead on the floor and Benvolio sitting beside him, here the lights will go out.

    A tumbleweed rolls will roll across the lifeless stage, Rome will walk in the stage and looking up in the sky, then a voice calling “Romeo, Romeo” and it will keep getting nearer, Benvolio will enter the stage, he will be breathless, He will then be on his knees saying “brave Mercutio is dead”, Romeo will collapse on his knees and takes his hat off, Romeo will start to cry he will then blame his love for Juliet for making him a soft soul. He will then wipe the tears of his eyes and starts looking left and right like a freak and leaves the stage running, the audience will think Romeo has gone mad. The stage will go dark and lifeless, a horse’s roar will bring back life in the stage, Tybalt will enter the stage, and he will be out of breath, Tybalt will sit on a bench, he will be looking left and right constantly. Romeo will enter the stage Tybalt will hop up and start walking backwards, Romeo will draw his gun faster than lightning and shoot Tybalt, and the sound of the gun will be maximized. Benvolio enters the stage and sees Tybalt on the floor dead, Benvolio will start to panic and a fast repeated music will play, Romeo will be told by Benvolio to flee, so Romeo leaves the stage running.

    The prince, Capulets and Montagues enter the stage, the Capulets will stare at the Montagues and their facial expressions will change to angry and furious expressions, the audience will get a clear view of the situation of the hatred and feud between the two families. The price will stand in the middle and say Romeo will be exiled out of Verona, the lady Montague will be shocked and will burst into tears, Montague will look down on the floor and leave the stage in a shame. The Capulets will leave the stage in joy, here Act 3 Scene 1will come to an end and the Curtains will drop down.

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    How would you direct Act 3 Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet for a contemporary audience? Essay. (2017, Oct 25). Retrieved from

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