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    Differences Similarities Between Prescriptive And Descriptive Strategies Schools Essay

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    In today ‘s competitory universe the word scheme has ne’er ceases in people ‘s oral cavity being single or organisation. Sometimes one hears that a certain scheme of a company has failed or it has succeeded, the word scheme is so influential but the inquiry is what does it intend’scholes K et Al 2008 define scheme as a way and range of an organisation over the long term, which achieves advantage in altering environment through its constellation of resources and competencies with the purpose of carry throughing stakeholder outlooks. ( Scholes et al 2008 pp 2 ) While Baker define it as a frame work that provides counsel for actions to be taken and at the same clip it ‘s shaped by the action taken ( Baker J M 2007 pp 23 ), other say it ‘s a top direction ‘s programs to achieve results consistent with the organisation ‘s mission and ends ( Wright P et Al 1992 ) all these are the thoughts of what scheme means but at the terminal all are giving an thought of something which can steer in the future accomplishment.

    So if a scheme is a program towards accomplishing a certain nonsubjective so concern scheme is a long term attack to implementing house ‘s concern programs to accomplish its concern aims, and strategic direction is concerned with associating a house to its environment in order to successfully run into long term aims. ( Meyer R ; A ; Wit B 2004, pp231 )

    Strategy doing brings into play the critical managerial issue of how to accomplish the mark consequences in the visible radiation of organisation ‘s state of affairs and chances. Aims ever are the terminals and a scheme is the agencies to accomplish the terminals. A company scheme represents direction replies to such cardinal concern inquiries whether to concentrate in individual concern or construct a diversified group of concerns, whether to provide for a wide scope of clients or concentrate on a niche market, whether to develop a broad or narrow merchandise line, whether to prosecute competitory advantage with low cost or merchandise distinction. ( Strickland J and Thomson A. 2003, pp10 )

    The direction needs to cognize different things in strategic direction particularly the constructs its holding which are the ends of a concern, the aims of how is that end traveling to be achieved and in conclusion reexamining the full procedure if the peculiar scheme is worthy it or non.

    Strategic direction allows an organisation to be more proactive than reactive in determining its ain hereafter, it allows an organisation to originate and act upon activities and therefore to exercise control over its ain fate and this benefit the organisation in be aftering for the hereafter development as it makes an consciousness of rivals schemes, consciousness of the menaces environing the organisation therefore being able to do other scheme for their endurance. ( Burgelman R et Al 2004 )

    Every organisation or company position concern scheme in different ways, this is because each organisation ‘s formation and execution of its scheme varies. Some say concern scheme is a mixture of fortune and opinion or self-interest and design and others say it ‘s a more of an art than a scientific discipline all these positions depends on how people form, implement and reexamine its scheme.

    It can be said as fortune foremost of all fortune is a luck a success which it ‘s difficult to place how it has happened and it can non be explained logically. Some schemes are being formed in the company but are non being implemented still the company survive in the market whatever fierce the competition is. Example SEMCO a Brazilian who have no mission statement, regulation book or central offices illustration it allows its employees to put out the wages and do their ain marks but still it makes admirations in the market, still it grows by 30 % to 40 % this can be countered as fortune because the company has aims of being in the market but no scheme on how it ‘s traveling to last, ( )

    Besides if concern is runing in an environment where the degree of competition is high, it has to explicate some schemes on how to over win its rivals. But sometimes, these schemes may neglect to carry through their intent to the degree expected and before new schemes are put in topographic point, some forces/influences may do the concern perform better every bit compared to its rivals. Example: alteration of political systems in a state ( in which instance the rivals may non happen favorable to them ) or economic downswing ( in which instance rivals may be affected severely ) giving the concern an chance to win the market illustration Dstv and Gtv Under these fortunes, though the concern schemes were non every bit good as those of rivals, external factors have made the company to win therefore turn outing concern scheme as fortune.

    Though on the other manus concern scheme can non be luck in a competitory universe as schemes have to be in topographic point no 1 can merely populate with the aims without ways to implement them and anticipate the individual to win same in concern an organisation can non be be aftering to be the leader in the market and merely run like a unsighted individual non cognizing how can it be a leader without uncertainty the company is likely to neglect. Hence this disproves the theory of concern scheme being luck.

    ( The guardian intelligence paper 20th July 2009 )

    Another scenario of concern scheme as opinion whereby it means that concern scheme should be based on experience as a laminitis or leader in the organisation make a determination due to past experience or wisdom illustration if the job has occurred such as the new rivals have emerged with low monetary value sell in their merchandise a leader can utilize what they did in the yesteryear may be diminish the monetary value or merely go forth it as they have loyal clients who are non traveling to go forth the company even if the rivals have reduced the monetary value this shows a opinion as the leader Judgess on what to make. ( Wiley J ; A ; Sons 2009 pp 255-273 )

    Though this can non vouch the success of that scheme the universe is excessively altering to utilize the same scheme over and over illustration clients needs alterations therefore if a company uses the same opinion it used three old ages earlier might non work in a current state of affairs illustration Adidas who were bring forthing trainers places ever have been utilizing opinion scheme in which at the terminal of the twenty-four hours could non work as clients wanted new type of places therefore other companies emerged and win by following client demands. Taking a concern scheme as opinion is non bad though due to the altering universe on engineering and the environment in general the companies need to follow new manner of forming and implementing their scheme. ( )

    Some take concern scheme as a witting policy or practise of taking advantage of fortunes with small respect for rules. This can work in organisation as some do non follow any strategic planning tool like SWOT, competitory advantage or value concatenation to analyze anything in the concern but merely take any opportunity as chance by seeking one after the other the one which succeeds can be taken and the one which fail is left behind but from the get downing no rules are being set like which measure to get down and which one to be the last. This manner is sing concern scheme as self-interest illustration at foremost in 1970 ‘s and 1980 ‘s many Nipponese companies like Sony and Sega were holding this sort of position like they were copying and emulating each other by taking advantage of this they went on winning the market.

    So they took their scheme as chance that is to state when they saw the scheme of copying the rivals work they took advantage of making the same and they gained competitory advantage ( Burgelman R et Al 2004, pp116 ). Besides another company which took an chance in the market is Virgin around 1970 ‘s where the organisation realized that many concern people travel around the universe and they can pay more so they introduced a concern category in their airplanes. So by taking this chance of a niche market that can pay than other people in economic category led to the winning of the market in that clip, though for now it ‘s non an chance any more.

    However taking concern scheme as an self-interest is hazardous as the organisation might non cognize what following measure to take when the job occur illustration when Sony continued to utilize this scheme it failed because it took the chance of bring forthing many merchandises at the same clip so that they can sell in majority but the job was that they had deficient fabrication constructions in which it decreased its merchandise quality that led to their diminution in merchandise fight. So taking concern scheme as self-interest can hold its advantages at the same clip creates disadvantages which might impact the organisation severely therefore the demand to look careful before taking the advantage of any circumstance. ( Benson M 2006, )

    Other bookmans view concern scheme as a design in which it follows expression and processes whereby internal and external factors are viewed, to see if they match or non. This is the type of many concern attacks as a batch of organisation usage different procedures to look on which scheme to take like scanning the external environment by utilizing Porters five forces or internal environment utilizing SWOT so as to cognize things like failing which they can turn into strength by taking a better scheme illustration many nutrient retail merchants use this position of scheme like Tesco, Sainsbury ‘s, Morrison ‘s to reference but few such as Tesco who analyses every clip their menaces like its rivals and come up with a scheme on how to cover/win its menaces for it to stay in the market. ( ) besides other design position sees scheme as a program in concern utilizing an illustration of Porter ‘s generic scheme in which the company looks at which scheme to be after for the competitory advantage be cost leading ( where the organisation cut costs in their value concatenation while bear downing low monetary value in their end merchandise ), distinction ( a company differentiates its merchandise from other rivals merchandises ) or concentrate ( Companies employ this scheme by concentrating on the countries in a market where there is the least sum of competition ). ( Pearson, 1999 ) Below is the concern scheme design of which a company can utilize for it to derive its competitory advantage.

    Companies do do a batch of research utilizing different theoretical accounts so as to happen a good scheme which can carry through their aims. Principles have to be followed in order to explicate a concern scheme foremost the organisation has to follow the undermentioned theoretical account






    The company has to cognize its mission and vision taking an illustration of Primark as a company which uses this systematic theoretical account to develop and implement its concern scheme its mission statement is ‘look good for less ‘ and the aims are to keep robust growing in its nucleus information concerns and intends to derive extra growing through the integrating of informations content from its assorted companies with package tailored to run into the demands of specific niche markets. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // )

    Besides when the companies reach the phase of analyzing they use different theoretical accounts to look into the environment environing before they make the strategic determination be in selling, human resource or operation. Models used are similar PEST and SWOT analysis, BCG, An off, Porters five forces to advert but few. For illustration Primark uses five forces to analyze its environment.

    Hence, descriptive scheme is a sort of statistical research which is chief end is to depict the schemes to be put in topographic point and features on what is being studied. The descriptive is chiefly done when the research worker wants to derive a better apprehension of what schemes are required to be put in topographic point so that it can work suitably.. It explores the bing certain phenomenon that the inside informations of the fact wont be known. `And the normative scheme is the attack whose aim has been defined in progress and whose chief elements have been developed before the scheme commences. The aim may be adjusted if fortunes alterations signicantly. After specifying the aim, the procedure so includes analysis of the environment, the development of strategic options and the pick between them. The chosen scheme is so implemented. ( Lynch R, 2006, pp 40-41 ).

    The descriptive scheme concluding aim is non clear and elements are developed during the class of its life as the scheme returns. The procedure is one of experimentation to happen the most productive path frontward, it does non hold a individual, concluding aim ; scheme develops over clip. In fast developing markets, the clip period may be short ; in slow developing markets, it ‘s likely to be longer. To prove these type of scheme its of import to analyze how the scheme has developed in pattern over a defined clip period. The advantages of the procedure include its consistence with existent pattern in administrations ; it takes history of people issues such as motive ; it allows experimentation about the scheme to take topographic point ; it provides an chance to include the civilization and political relations of the administration ; it delivers flexibleness to react to market alterations. ( Lynch R, 2006, pp 46-47 ).

    There strong similarities to descriptive and normative schemes. As the definitions provinces ; descriptive is what is normally done while prescriptive is what can be done most realistically. It could stop up being the same result on many occasions.The even make sense when put together. What is normally done is most likely what can be done most realistically. However, when studied in deepness, these schemes have their differences. ( Lynch R, 2006, pp 68-70 ).

    The descriptive scheme is done based on past grounds. It something that has been most likely done in the yesteryear. Unlike the descriptive, the normative takes other factors in history while analysing multi [ lupus erythematosus standards and conflicting expostulations. After this, so chooses what scheme would or could be done realistically based on the aims antecedently listed. Harmonizing to the prescriptive, the 2nd best determination might be more appropriate. The normative attack includes an analysis of possible determinations around a chosen solution known as sensitiveness analysis. A descriptive attack may be doing a determination on a subject merely based on past experience.If it was positive, so the determination is made. If it si negative so a different determinations made. normative scheme analyzes all options before make up one’s minding based on all factors, what the best option may be. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // )

    The prescriptive and descriptive schemes can be contrasted by accommodating Mint berg ‘s analogy whereby the normative scheme is Biblical in its attack, it appears at a point in clip and is governed by a set of regulation s, to the full formulated and ready to implement.While the descriptive scheme is Darwinian in attack, an emerging and altering scheme that survives by accommodating as the environment itself changes. Given the demand for an administration to hold a corporate scheme, much has truly been about the procedure of accomplishing these schemes. No common manner understanding on the manner this can be done.

    On one manus, there is the normative procedure, which involves a structured strategic planning system.It is necessary to place aims, analyse the environment and the resources of the administration, develop scheme options and select among them. The selected procedure is so implemented. On the other manus, there is the descriptive procedure, which does non place a concluding aim with specific schemes to accomplish this. It relies on developing schemes whose concluding result may non be known. Directors rely on more on test and mistake and experimenting to accomplish the optimum procedure.

    Develop or specify administration ‘s nonsubjective

    Analysis and projection of the environment environing the administration: macroeconomic analysis, political clime, etc.

    Reconsider aim ( and alter it if the environment requires this )

    Develop scheme option

    Choice option against the likeliness of accomplishing aims

    Implement chosen scheme option

    How the normative corporate scheme procedure plants

    Within the descriptive schemes, four chief groups were identified:

    The human resource based route- topographic points the accent on people in strategic development. Motivation, political relations civilization and desires of the person are all of import. Scheme may affect an component of experimentation and acquisition in order to take in to account all the factors.

    The invention and cognition based route- this emphasises on the part of new thoughts and extremist ways of thought and sharing cognition if an administration is to outwit its rivals. ( Lynch R, 2006, pp 68-69 ).

    One position of how the descriptive scheme procedure plants.

    Discuss with immediate directors

    Identify job or aim

    Identify related or subsequent enterprise



    Discuss with immediate directors

    Discuss with other sections or companies in group

    Try via media B

    Try via media Angstrom



    Discuss with other sections or companies in group


    In decision concern scheme is a mixture of fortune and opinion, self-interest and design because all these fall together in different instances illustration a company can hold a scheme and it does non work though the alteration environmental factors can favor the company and stoping up doing net income than its rivals therefore corroborating the fortune and self-interest portion of the scheme, at the same clip holding processed the scheme with a good scheme design for a peculiar job or challenge in the company can convey the success and the design can be drown from the opinion of the past experience hence devising concern scheme a mixture of all the four elements nevertheless no component can stand entirely to fulfill that a concern scheme is that component.

    Besides because of the globalisation the environment factors do alter every twenty-four hours and the competition is high therefore concern scheme can non be a seated duck but a traveling mark that is to state the organisation scheme has to be developed in each peculiar clip illustration some companies which are so advanced and do non utilize inactive scheme they change their scheme by creativeness and invention harmonizing to alterations go oning therefore holding that concern scheme is more of an art than a scientific discipline. For illustration IBM company.

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    Differences Similarities Between Prescriptive And Descriptive Strategies Schools Essay. (2018, Oct 23). Retrieved from

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