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    Great Gatsby And Death Of A Salesman Essay

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    On one spring day four black widow spiders (two begin male and 2 begin female)went up a tree in couples of the opposite sex. One couple was foreign toAmerica, the other was not. They were all at their sexual prime and to do amating ritual called sex.

    When the foreigners were done the male became verytired and all he wanted to do was sleep, but the much larger female spiderflighty and talkative. She wanted to talk of their recent sexual experience, butthe male was far too tired and told her to shut-up. Like all women she became”emotionally scared” and in retaliation she killed her much smaller spouse. Not exactly the June Cleaver type of spider is she? On the other side of thetree lie the American Widows. The female does not feel that sexually active, butshe spreads her eight legs and submits herself in honour of her idea of a”greater male cause”. The fact of the matter is that the American womannever had the chance to fulfill their mission (which is inborn in all of man) toprosper in life, but they cannot do this seeing that they are confined in thekitchen, busy doing the dishes and saying “.

    . . yes dear. Would you likeanother beer?” The role of the American woman (which was to look after the manof the house and the house itself) is vividly exemplified through Linda Loman inArthur Millers Death Of A Salesman. Of course Arthur knows all about the role ofwomen in American society, how do you think his dishes got done when he waswriting this play.

    Before we start to delve in the juicy core of this essay,lets get one thing straight. An aggressive and eager woman makes a powerfuldifference in the evolution of society. Take Lady Macbeth from WilliamShaksperes Macbeth. She did wonders for both Scotland and Macbeth. Itsreally ashame that hes own people decapitated him at the end of the play. Look at Eve from the Bible in the book of Genius.

    Good old Adam couldntscrewed it up for the rest of mankind without Eves guiding hand. And look atthe Mrs. Ramsay from Robertson Davies Fifth Business. Without her, poor Dunnyprobably wouldnt have joined the army and he would still had his leg that helost in the war.

    On a more serious note, women have been deprived to excell insuch things as politics for example. I believe the world would be a better placeif the women were running it. Oh ya, there would be no war, the estragon of awoman would take care of that, well, except when there PMS-ing or the older onesare having hot flashes. But there is a way around that problem. If the womenorganized it so there would be at least five to six female Presidents and theone thats in power thats PMS-ing would resign and go have visits intern -Monty Lewinsky while another President takes over. Furthermore there would be noworld famine, except when the women are pregnant and there “emotionalsession” with Richard Simmons is over and he is out of there sight.

    It isindeed a fact that if the American Woman were to be treated equal to men (asthey should be) I definitely believe that the world or America at least wouldhave been a better place to live in, for the women would be the missing gap inmost American situations that spaned outside the kitchen. Although they are notperfect like Lady Macbeth, Eve, and Mrs. Ramsay either are us men. Linda Lomanfrom Death Of A Salesman is one of those women that would have been an excellentas asset to her family and others around her.

    She was disheartened housewifewhich fulfilled all the tasks of the usual American housewife – that which iscentral to accomplish the “American Dream”(which was a family with afinancially success for a father figure, a caring wife that is responsible forcooking, cleaning, support, sex whenever the man demands it, children minimum oftwo which are of the opposite sex, a nice house, a nice car and of course thatwhite picket fence. ) To follow Lindas example as she lives her life is to beconsidered to most Americans a prime example to go by. She is loving, caring,understanding and will do or say anything for her hubby – Willy Loman. If everLinda gets “out of line”, Willy puts her back in line with a big old,”shut-up”, and she would try her best to do what he asks.

    When I realize howloyal and caring she is for her man, and how her man devalued her, just theslight thought of it gives me the “willies”. I get utterly disgusted when Ithink about it. Lindas intelligence and insight goes far beyond that ofWillys, but she never showed him that side of her, for if the American dreamwere to be true for the Lomans the man must be smarter than the female. Beinginfluenced by the American Dream (by playing stupid infront of Willy) she wasalways on the outside looking in. When she was around her sons her insight onthings shrines like the early morning rays from the sun, but when she is aroundWilly her vocabulary diminishes to, “Yes Dear.

    ” or “what, Dear?” Knowingthe problem of Willys insanity and suicidal attempts is bad enough, but underthe American influence she is mentally hindered from doing anything about it. Thats quite heartbreaking. Behind every great man is a great woman – usuallythere in the back seat, but thats besides the point. Unfortunately at onepoint in America the wisdom of women never went past that white picket fence. Myinterpretation of woman may be fogged with ignorance called testosterone, Ipersonally dont understand them too much, I find them to be too emotional,but I do know woman never have been treated with enough respect, an they getused as pawns for males to further there career.

    The male goes to his woman foradvice, while shes doing dishes or laundry or some type of housework ofcourse, and the next day the man follows her advice and becomes successful. Theman gets all the credit and all the while the woman had been waiting toimmolate herself “for her idea of a greater male cause.”

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