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    Dear Bethany… Essay (609 words)

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    Bethany, You are my best friend. To use the saying, “through thick and thin,” would be cliché but that is exactly what you and I have been through. Throughout our entire friendship, I have always had the sinking feeling this conversation would finally materialize into an argument. I have always had this fear that even though we have fought over boys, movies, clothes, you name it, this would be the demise of our friendship. I am writing to you, Bethany, in one last effort to try to convince you why your incredible desire to be “beautiful” may destroy the real beauty you hold.

    I completely understand your view on beauty. We grew up together reading the same magazines, watching the same TV shows and idolizing the same women. I understand what the world portrays as beauty. But beauty is not what you see on the centerfold. Beauty is, truly, in the eye of the beholder. Each person has their own, unique idea of what beauty actually is. When I first got into modeling, one of my first managers showed me a picture of this woman. It was a gorgeous portrait of Audrey Hepburn.

    It was black-and-white and on the bottom, written in red script, there was a quote, “the beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. ” Bethany, this is you. You have to see that beauty is not just the external, but equally, if not more, it’s the internal. You have to see that beauty encompasses your entire being. Day-in and day-out, I am judged on my appearance. I am expected to put on a big smile and wash away all of the negativity that clouds my thoughts just for that one great shot.

    Nobody cares what I think about or what my feelings are. Nobody wants to read my stories. As long as I look “hot,” that’s all that matters. My contribution to the world is nothing more than a flip of a page. But you have the ability to change the world! Your stories are incredible, Bethany. People pay their hard-earned money to laugh with you, to cry with you and to smile with you. People only pay money to see me and judge me. Most of the time, they just Google me and judge me for free.

    Your dream was to be a successful writer and look where you are! There’s nothing more beautiful than that. You said the other day that, “we’re talking beauty here,” and that, “beauty is the real deal. ” You were absolutely right. Beauty is the real deal. It’s what makes the world go around. We focus on beautiful people doing beautiful things. But, Bethany, you are the beautiful person doing the beautiful things. You have an incredible gift that you can share with the world. Your works are the only pieces of literature I can actually finish.

    You’re a star that’s going to shine much, much brighter than I ever could. I hope what I’m saying is getting through. I’m trying to show you that while you think I am a rose, I am actually a dandelion. Sure, dandelions are beautiful but at the end of the day, they are just weeds. They have no meaning. You are the rose. You gives roses to the one you care about, the one that intrigues you, the one that can brighten your day, the one that scares you, but ultimately, you give roses to the one you love. Roses will stay beautiful; dandelions will wither and die.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Dear Bethany… Essay (609 words). (2018, Aug 03). Retrieved from

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