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    Da Evil Deer Essay (414 words)

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    It all started on the opening day of deer season. The beautiful day was just cold enough to want a jacket but, but hot enough to where if one was worn youd sweat to death! It seemed like a typical opening day. It wasnt though, it turned out to be quite different.

    I walked out to my favorite tree belt with my trusty gun at my side and waited for the buck I had been eyeing for months. I needed a nice buck this year. See I bet Buddy that my deer would be twice as big as his. Twenty bucks was up for grabs and I needed to buy a new paintball gun.

    As I thought about what kind of gun I wanted, the biggest buck I had ever seen showed up about 100 yards away from where I sat. That was my ticket to twenty dollars. I raised up my gun, put the deer in my crosshairs, and sat there for a second to admire its beauty. Thats not all I noticed though.

    The deer had red eyes, and below the red eyes, on the ground, set an AK-47 with a weird scope. I thought sweet! Not only will I get twenty dollars, Ill also get a new assault rifle that someone left lying around! Then it occurred to me that I was the prey. I got up and ran! Lead flung by me as I made my way to the Jeep. All of a sudden blood started squirting out of my leg! I thought cool, that didnt even hurt! But my leg gave out and I fell to the ground. As I was lying there, I devised a new plan. I layed their acting dead and waited for the deer to pick me up.

    He threw me over his shoulder, and I slowly pulled out my hunting knife. A quick slice and the psychotic, evil deer was laying on the ground out cold. The twenty bucks was mine! Then, as I was cutting the deer open, a button buck jumped out of the evil deer, and my monster buck disappeared! As the deer hopped away I noticed two things. It had red eyes, and on its butt was a sign. It read: Payback is a female dog.

    I cried that day. My prize deer was no more, and I lost twenty bucks. There was just one phrase lingering in my mind. Hell be back, I reassured myself.

    Hell be back.The End

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Da Evil Deer Essay (414 words). (2019, Feb 09). Retrieved from

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