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    Criticism Towards Tattoo’s Organization

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    My body is my journal and my tattoos are my story – Johnny Depp. Relevance in a certain point in time people get tattoos. Most of the time they get tattoos because they’re cool or as a remembrance for a loved one that passed. A lot of time when people get tattoos because of a loved one is to remember their mother, father, sibling, or pets. Thesis what I’ll be discussing today is how tattoos can affect your chances on getting a job, affect your health, and thing to consider before getting a tattoo.

    Initial Preview

    It can be hard to apply for jobs if you have tattoos. When getting a tattoo for the first time make sure to take care of it well if you don’t want any reactions. Also, when getting a tattoo people will see it as what type of personality you have. Transition to 1st main point: First, let’s talk about how tattoos affect your chances on getting a job.


    When applying for a job your chances for getting. Back then people would be turned down when applying for a job for having tattoos and or wouldn’t even get a chance. But as each new generation enters the workforce more and more of them have tattoos (Elzweig, et al., 2018).

    “Brittany Lee is a 29-year-old owner of a tattoo parlor in Murfreesboro who decided to give up her business and get herself a “regular job,” as she put it. The only problem was that she had a total of 69 tattoos on her body. “I got turned down by at least 10 places because of my tattoos,” said Lee. “I was really hurt. It made me feel ashamed,” she admitted (Olenjniczak, 2017).

    This quote explains that having a tattoo can limit your choices on getting a job, and the reason why is because certain jobs require you to be and look professional. But as more and more people get tattoos certain jobs start to open up to individuals who have tattoos because the skills that individual has can be very valuable that the employer can afford to lose.

    For example, Mitchell-Neilson Elementary Principal Robin Newell once had a no-tattoo policy for her teachers until one special teacher caused her to have a change of heart. “He was the best in his field,” Newell said. But this teacher had sleeves of tattoos. “I couldn’t ask him to change who he is, and I wanted him to be here. That really changed my mind,” she said (Olejniczak, 2017).

    Transition to 2nd main point: Now that we’ve talked about your chances for getting a job, let’s talk about how tattoos can affect your health. The health risks when getting a tattoo. After getting a tattoo you need to take care of it until it heals. If not, then you can get ill. The point for tattoos is that they break the skin whichever can cause skin infections and other complications probable such as:

    • Hypersensitive repercussions (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2018)
    • Skin infection (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2018)
    • Bloodborne diseases (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2018)
    • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) problems (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2018)

    When getting a tattoo, they may be cool and common but don’t take the risks lightly because if you do then you can be in more pain then there was when getting your tattoo for the first time (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2018).

    Does the tattooist have the proper protection? When getting a tattoo, make sure the tattooist washes their hands properly and puts on a new pair of gloves for each patient (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2018). Does the tattooist have the appropriate equipment? Make sure the tattooist retrieves new needles and tubes from sealed packages before your procedure begins. Any pigments, trays or containers should be unused as well (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2018).

    Does the tattooist disinfect any non-disposable equipment? Also make sure the tattooist uses a disinfected machine to sterilize all non-disposable equipment between customers. Tools and materials that can’t be disinfected with an autoclave (including drawer handles, tables and sinks) should be disinfected with a commercial disinfectant or bleach solution after each use (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2018).

    Transition to 3rd main point: Now that we’ve discussed your chances for getting a job, and how tattoos can affect your health, let’s discuss on what tattoos say about a person’s personality.  What tattoos say about a person. For a few, tattoos can make people feel beautiful and or sexier in their own skin or enhance their physical features, which could preferentially result in improved self-confidence. It’s also a way for individuals to express their personality or faiths (Reign, 2017). This notion finds linguistic expression in the terms like ‘body adornment’, ‘body art’ or ‘body decoration’ commonly used by individuals with tattoos and piercings (Nathanson, C., et al., 2006).


    Overall, after talking about tattoos its time to conclude. What I’ll be discussing today is how tattoos can affect your chances on getting a job, affect your health, and thing to consider before getting a tattoo. It can be hard to apply for jobs if you have tattoos. When getting a tattoo for the first time make sure to take care of it well if you don’t want any reactions. Also, when getting a tattoo people will see it as what type of personality you have.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Criticism Towards Tattoo’s Organization. (2021, Sep 22). Retrieved from

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