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    Critical Thinking In Decision Making Essay

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    Decision making vs.

    Critical ThinkingThe relationship between critical thinking and decision-making is much more different than what most people think. Critical thinking is the process by which one evaluates information on a given problem. The process of reaching logical conclusions, solving problems, analyzing factual information, and taking appropriate actions based on the conclusions is called decision making. What is critical thinking? Critical thinking is examining assumptions – not simply accepting arguments and conclusions at face value.

    Critical thinking is looking for hidden values, evaluating evidence and assessing multiple conclusions. An employee calls technical support and states that they are down. By using critical thinking skills coupled with feed back from the user, one can determine that the user cannot print. Decision-making is an action. It is the destination of logical and analytical problem solving which is based in fact.

    Once the destination is reached, action in taken according to the resolution reached. The user above cannot print. One would suggest that he reinstall the print drivers to resolve the problem. The decision was to reinstall the print drivers. The authors of Whatever It Takes suggest that decision-making material and literature tend to emphasize the product of decision-making but does not emphasize the actual process of decision-making.

    Critical thinking is the mechanical process by which problems are perceived, alternative solutions weighed, and rational decisions are made (McCall, Kaplan, xv). Decision-making is the product of critical thinking. My occupation as a network technician affords me the opportunity to think critically each day. Critical thinking allows me make decisions based on fact rooted in logic. If a user cannot log into the network, I have to decide where the problem is. The speed by which I do this is critical.

    Using critical thinking, I can determine where the problem resides. While critical thinking and decision-making are interrelated and rely on one another, they are also independent. Critical thinking does not guarantee that a decision will be made and decisions can be made without processing information logically. There are benefits to being a critical thinker. It allows you to process problem or information in a systematical and logical fashion.

    It also allows you to come to the best decision available given the current information. The decision-making and critical thinking, functions while one may think, they are the same, they are separate. Critical thinking is the process by which one can make a systematic and logical decision. Works citedKaplan, Robert E. and Morgan W.

    McCall, Jr. Whatever It Takes. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River:Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1990.Words / Pages : 417 / 24 .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Critical Thinking In Decision Making Essay. (2019, Mar 12). Retrieved from

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