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    Creative Writing: The Meadow Essay

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    Creative Writing: The MeadowOn a crisp autumn afternoon, I sat idly under an enormous oak treewatching as a whirlwind whisked across the rolling hills of the meadow. As itpassed by me, the whirlwind scooped up a dormant pile of leaves lying next tothe oak tree. The leaves appeared to come alive twisting, turning, and dancingabout the meadow.

    They were sporting their new fall colors of red, orange,brown, and yellow. The brittle autumn leaves seemed to be having a party. Asthe party moved out of sight, I began to think about the last time I visited themeadow. The memories of my last visit are vivid with relaxed and peacefulthoughts motivated by the images, scents, and sounds of the meadow. The beauty of the meadow in the summer is unequaled. My memoriescontained many images of this special place.

    Snow covered mountains extend highabove the heavens; thus, setting the backdrop to the meadow. Wildflowersspeckled the base of the mountain becoming more abundant near the babblingbrook. The brook ran through the middle of the meadow turning, and twistingaround the enormous oak tree. The lush green grass grew around the tree likehair on a dog’s back.

    Birds flew through the radiant blue sky diving forinsects. My thoughts reflect relaxation as my mind focuses on the pleasingimagery. The sounds of the meadow complement the beautiful imagery, and create asense of inner peace and harmony. The soothing sounds drifted across the meadowlike an orchestra playing at Carnegie Hall. The buzzing of the bees feeding onpollen made up the chorus. A woodpecker kept a steady beat as he drilled a holein the oak tree.

    Birds whistling, and peeping formed the brass section liketrumpets playing an excerpt from the 1812 Overture. All these sounds, and manymore blended together to create a relaxing melody soothing to the ear. The scents that fill a place are often strong components of memories. The scent of the meadow established lasting images in my mind. A breeze thatwafted across the meadow was full of many different scents.

    The yellowwildflowers smelled like a rich box of dark chocolate fudge: that was presentedas a gift on Christmas Day. The green grass was an odoriferous carpet smellingmostly of mildew. Perhaps, the most pleasant scent associated with the meadowwas that of an approaching storm. I often found solace in the rhythmic noise ofthe raindrops, and the wonderful smell of life giving rain.

    It was as if thesmells of the meadow were tangible objects seen, felt, and touched. A chill came over me as crisp breeze whisked over the meadow. The sunhad passed behind the snow covered mountains. Small white flakes had startedto come down as I sat under the leafless oak tree. I got up to look around themeadow; now completely covered with a white blanket. It seems that I missedremarkable visit while reminiscing about the past.

    The imagery, sounds, andscents of the meadow were powerful constituents of my relaxing and therapeuticmemories.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Creative Writing: The Meadow Essay. (2019, Jan 19). Retrieved from

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