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    Counseling the Infertile Couple Essay

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    “Counseling the Infertile Couple Essay”Being a pastor of family ministries with three healthy children, it is hard for me to counsel other couples on infertility.

    I have also been on the other side of the table facing these infertility choices in my first marriage. There was a choice we faced regarding selective termination if we did conceive after hormone therapy. In a way, I am glad we did not conceive because my ex-wife and I opposed each other on this procedure. I was opposed to the procedure while my wife accepted it.

    As a pastor having to counsel others with the problem of infertility, there are a lot of choices to be made regarding infertility. I believe God has given doctors the technology to assist couples in the process of conceiving a child. How far a couple goes to conceive a child is the problem we are facing as Christians in today’s culture. Assisted reproductive technologies allow many couples with infertility problems to bear children. But with the plethora of options come tough decisions. Couples must weigh the financial, emotional and physical costs of each treatment against its chances of success.

    The ethical ramifications of creating life in a lab is also a consideration Christian couples often look to their faith for guidance. God has given us the job of exercising dominion over all the earth (Gen. 1:26), which includes using medical technologies to assist us in reproduction. The first step in infertility treatment is diagnostic testing for would-be parents.

    Treatments may be as simple as drugs to stimulate ovulation or as complicated as in vitro fertilization. Some couples may achieve pregnancy quickly, but others may have to decide to pursue assisted reproductive technologies. Since the first “test-tube baby” was born, in vitro fertilization has become a common procedure in fertility treatment. A key issue couples considering in vitro fertilization is the use of their embryos. The woman often produces more eggs than can be used during a single IVF attempt. The extra embryos can be frozen to use in subsequent procedures, or a couple may have them destroyed, kept in storage indefinitely or donated to another infertile couple.

    Another issue is how many embryos should be placed back in the uterus. The fewer used, the lower chances of multiple pregnancies and a higher risk for complications. The more used, the couple faces the issue of more embryos taking hold in the uterus and having to decide terminating one or more of the fetuses to give the remaining ones a better chance of survival. Each couple must decide how many eggs to fertilize, what to do with extra embryos and how many to put back.

    I can explain the medical aspects of conception, but the couple will have to decide what their definition of conception is. They will be the ones deciding when life starts and at what stage life begins in the cells. I would urge couples to fully understand any procedure they’re considering and to be sure the procedure honors the dignity of human life, even at the one-celled stage. In my view, that is when human life begins. A couple can undergo fertility treatments without compromising their beliefs.

    With advances in IVF procedures, fewer embryos can be placed back in the uterus while taking full advantage of the chances of a possible pregnancy. For those couples that are concerned with what to do with their frozen embryos, embryo adoption is becoming more popular. Or couples may limit the number of embryos created to those needed for the specific procedure. This may be more costly, especially if several treatments are needed. But if a couple were concerned with the morality of frozen embryos, this would be a viable option. Another concern with IVF is how the sperm is taken from the male donor.

    Clinics have rooms with magazines and videos for the male to use to help in collecting semen samples. This is a moral problem that must be addressed by the husband and wife. There are other options that a male can use to collect the sperm sample. Samples can also be collected from a man who is aroused simply by the idea or presence of his own wife. This .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Counseling the Infertile Couple Essay. (2019, Mar 17). Retrieved from

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