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    Contrast Between 2 Restaurants You Eaten In Essay

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    What is a restaurant? A restaurant is a public place where meals can be bought and eaten. There are many restaurants which can be found in Subang Jaya. There are two restaurants which I often go to have meals, and they are Restaurant Kim Gary and Restaurant Ming Tian which located near to the Sunway Pyramid. From these two restaurants, they have some contrasts on the foods, hygiene, and the services. Firstly, I would like to discuss about the foods between these two restaurants. The foods in Restaurant Kim Gary are delicious but specifically on certain choices.

    The foods they have in the menu are like baked cheese rice with beef, Hong Kong spaghetti, French bread and many more. Most of the foods are baked with cheese. Foods in Restaurant Kim Gary has reasonable price although the foods in Restaurant Ming Tian are slightly cheaper than the Restaurant Kim Gary. This is because Restaurant Kim Gary uses good ingredients for their recipes. Besides, the foods in Restaurant Ming Tian are delicious too but apparently more choices than Restaurant Kim Gary.

    In general, Restaurant Ming Tian is more to the many food stalls. However, I prefer to have meals at Restaurant Ming Tian. Secondly, I move on to cleanliness between the two restaurants. When comes to this topic, I would say that Restaurant Kim Gary has good hygiene than Restaurant Ming Tian because they have good management on taking care of the dirts, spilled drinks, and so on. Other than that, the manager of Restaurant Kim Gary divided the place to have meal into two areas which are the smoking area and non-smoking area.

    These two areas provided are based on the customer needs because there are some customers do not smoke and some customers smoke. As for Restaurant Ming Tian, the hygiene of it is opposite to Restaurant Kim Gary. This is because the Restaurant Ming Tian is an open wide food stall; they open their stall on the side road or parking space which is near to the its restaurant. It doesn’t have categorized areas for smoking and non-smoking area. Thus, I would prefer go to Restaurant Kim Gary because it has good hygiene.

    Lastly, I will talk about the services between the two restaurants. Restaurant Kim Gary has the better services than Restaurant Ming Tian. The waiters in the Restaurant Kim Gary are fully trained so they can serve their customers well and to be patient. The Restaurant Kim Gary has better facilities such as, fancy lightening, comfortable seats, air condition provided, and many more. Besides, Restaurant Kim Gary also does some promotions so that customers could enjoy foods with cost discount.

    In the Restaurant Ming Tian, the services are slightly worse than the Restaurant Kim Gary. Customers have to do self-services to make order in the Restaurant Ming Tian. Sometimes, the waiters are impatient and swear words. For several reasons, Restaurant Kim Gary has better services than Restaurant Ming Tian. As conclusion, Restaurant Kim Gary is a good choice to be chosen by customers because it is convenient to have meals there. Restaurant Kim Gary has variety of delicious foods which have reasonable price, good hygiene and better services that has been provided.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Contrast Between 2 Restaurants You Eaten In Essay. (2018, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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