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    Congressmen And Their Influences Essay

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    Congressmen and Their Influences

    The notion that a Congressman runs for office with unselfish goals and goes to Washington to serve his country and represent his neighbors seems quaint and laughable compared to the way we currently regard members of Congress. Recent views suggest that most people feel that while the institution as a whole is corrupt, their representative is a good person and servant of the electorate. Each member is scrutinized and judged harshly by their constituencies, the media, their own party, and the numerous interest groups and caucuses that make it possible for them to act as Senators and Representatives.

    The Congress and the President work together through their own institutions in the common goal of running the world’s most powerful nation. The legislative powers were divided this way to ensure that all new laws would be debated and decided not by a few, but through a hierarchy that gives every citizen a part to play in our collective decision-making. Each of the individuals in the House has an equitable voting relationship with the others (1=1=1) when it comes to passing legislation. However, in the earlier phases of formulating policy, some relationships are dominant over others. The only ones that would be lower than a freshman Democrat in the 105th Congress from a rural, low industry district are probably those that represent our protectorates, such as Guam and Puerto Rico.

    Many levels within the parties and the institution afford some members leadership roles and positions that they can use to sway the other members. The Whips, Majority and Minority leaders, and the Speaker of the House are looking for party cohesion and bipartisan support for a bill. Coalitions are forged or broken depending on the issue at hand. Individual committee positions are another point where some are more powerful than others. The committees are major superintendents of some agencies, and members not on that particular committee may be ignored or relegated to other tasks while the major decisions are being made.

    Since much of policy direction is dominated by the two-party system, they are able to use the majority-selected rules and procedures of the House to their advantage. In the more collegial and congenial Senate, power is more diffused and shared between the members, and minority rights are protected. In the parties, the leaders are able to use their personalities and power to influence the agenda that is agreed upon. The way the House is run leaves a great deal of discretion to the leaders of the parties and committee members regarding which specific measures will be debated and concentrated on.

    The comeuppance of Newt has shown how a member of the House can predominate a political agenda that has broad support. The boisterous Newt has brought to the House a new sense of power and prestige for the Republican party, as well as to the office of Speaker of the House. However, Newt has lost some of his political steam in the midst of ethics investigations and friction caused by his abrasive personality. Starting the 104th congress as a revolutionary leader bent on a smaller, more efficient government, his power has been diminished as his corps of freshmen have become increasingly independent. The Democrats chipped away at him and his support by casting a shadow over each of the Republicans in the House as cronies of Newt.

    During the recent campaigns, Newt tried to lay low except in his home district, as thousands of ads linked the Republicans to him. As he did in the last Congress, he will continue to be a force in shaping and directing any new policies. Since Bob Dole’s retirement from the Senate, Trent Lott has taken over leadership duties for the Republican party in the Senate and has personally become more prominent as a Republican player, while Newt has been forced to defend his policy agenda and personal conduct from all sides. As a powerful personality like Gingrich, Lott will have great influence.

    Almost every piece of legislation will have his blessing or input. Lott’s experience makes him a good fit for the job. He served as party whip in the House and made improvements that he later used as a whip in the Senate. These changes streamlined operations and made party coordination and cohesion easier. Now, as Senate Majority Leader, he is in a great position.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Congressmen And Their Influences Essay. (2019, Jan 27). Retrieved from

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