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    Computers: Productive Tools In Our Lives Essay

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    Computers: Productive Tools In Our LivesHave you ever seen a computer in a store and said, “Whoa! What a chick!”? Iam sure you would have, if you were familiar with the new 16xCD-ROM and extrawide SCSI-2 9.

    0 GB hard drive it features, or if you knew about the dual 225 MHzPentium pro MMX chips blazing up its performance. To tell you all aboutcomputers, it takes a total computer nut like me. After working with computersalmost all my life, I can tell you that a computer is an electrical device,without which a guy like me probably cannot survive. If you have no idea of whatI am beeping about, read on. Experts, I report no error in reading further. Computers are very productive tools in our everyday lives.

    To maximizethe utility of a computer, what you need to do is get going with the program. Todo that, the minimum system requirements are a C. P. U. or the central processingunit, a keyboard, a monitor, a mouse, and if you want, a printer and a CD – ROMdrive. The C.

    P. U. is that part of a computer that faithfully does what hismaster tells him to do, with the help of input devices like a keyboard or amouse. After all this so called sophisticated, next generation equipment, youneed some sort of software.

    Software is a set of instructions to the C. P. U. froma source such as a floppy disk, a hard drive or a CD – ROM drive, in zillions of1’s and 0’s. Each of these tiny little instructions makes up a bit. Then theyassemble to form a byte.

    Bytes make up a program, which you run to use thecomputer’s various applications. Now that you know more about computers than Einstein did, let me tellyou something more about them, so that you will beat the President in the fieldof computing. In your computer, you require a good amount of RAM, which is thereto randomly accesses memory. That is required to speed up your computer, so thatit gives you more error messages in less time.

    The faster the error messages itgives, the faster you call technical help at 1-800-NeedHelp. The service is open24 hours a day, but to get through, you will have to wait, at least, until thenext Halley’s comet passes by. The only thing now required, for you to becomethe master of this part of the world, is to have a very BOLD determination tobecome a computer geek. Since you have learnt everything about the basics, Iwould like to transfer command to the owner’s manual, that came with yourcomputer, to help you master the specific applications.

    While learning the basic fifth generation of PCs, let’s not forget thechoice of the new generation, network computing on the Internet and the worldwide web. Internet is probably the most important development in the history ofhuman beings, since the evolution of the Macintosh. The Internet can do all theprojects and presentations, your teachers demand of you. It can also buy yousome pizzas from Pizza-Hut and help you book a ticket for your flight to Ithaca.

    But as every benefit has a big loophole, in this case the problem is, once youdial up your Internet service provider, you are welcomed by a busy signal! Soboy, are you glad after half an hour or so, that you finally meet with successgetting on-line. After you go on-line, you open the Netscape Navigator browserto go find what you want. You go to a search engine, and then another searchengine, and then yet another search engine, and then you finally find out thatwhat you want is just what you don’t get in this terrible world ofadvertisement. So you quit and go join a chat group, talking with the weirdestof people you can think of, thinking of the fun you are having in this beautifulworld, without knowing who it is that you are talking to, and forgetting thefact that the $$$ meter is rising and climbing and mounting every hour you areon-line. Finally, you know that the typical use of computers is not only fortyping and calculating, but also for learning the masterful art of patience andhow to cope with the mistakes others make without cursing them.

    Life is notpossibly possible without this abnormally useful machine in these good old 90’s. Since all that starts well, ends well, to end this reading you might want toclose this page with your thumb and your forefinger, or else you might get anerror message, and then you will have to read this all over again.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Computers: Productive Tools In Our Lives Essay. (2019, Jan 21). Retrieved from

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