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    Cleanig your throne Essay (682 words)

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    This past summer I worked as a custodian in a manufacturing plant. Part of myjob was cleaning bathrooms.

    I estimate throughout the summer I cleaned up to fivehundred bathrooms. I consider myself an expert on the subject. Using my process forcleaning bathrooms, an immaculate bathroom is achievable. The initial step in the process is to gather all the necessary cleaning supplies: mopand bucket, glass cleaner, floor soap, toilet bowl cleaner, toilet brush, paper towel, asponge, bathroom cleaning solution with bleach, toilet paper, trash bag, broom and dustpan, and gloves are recommended. Make sure to read all of the labels on the cleaners forwarnings, to avoid possible hazards.

    Next, everything must be removed from the room that is on the floor. Thisincluded rugs, trash cans, and any garbage laying on the floor. After taking everythingNow it is time for the dirty work. This is where I suggest wearing gloves. Takethe toilet bowl cleaner and apply it to the inside of the bowl, underneath the rim.

    Nowusing the brush, scrub the inside of the bowl making sure to remove all stains. After allstains are removed, flush the toilet to reveal a clean bowl. After cleaning the inside of the toilet, it is time to clean the outside. Using thebathroom cleaner with bleach, spray the entire outside of the toilet. The bleach in thecleaner kills the bacteria on the toilet, but it also can cause serious damage to clothing.

    BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN USING BLEACH. Wipe the toilet with a moist sponge. Be sure to clean the entire toilet including the base, the seat, and the tub behind the bowl. When the sponge gets dirty, rinse it off in the sink. Continue cleaning the toilet until it isNow that the toilet is completely clean, move over to the sink. Use the samecleaner that was used to clean the toilet, however use a new sponge.

    Spray the entiresink, including the faucet, and the outside of the sink. Wipe the sink down with the newsponge and rinse the sink with clean water. Do not worry about getting the floor wet. After the sink has been wiped and rinsed, dry it with paper towels. Usually a mirror is placed above the sink. By this time the mirror will be splashedwith water and cleaner and will also need to be cleaned.

    To do this, cover the mirror witha thin film of glass cleaner. Wipe the mirror with paper towels in a waving motion untilall streaks and smudges are removed. Now everything in the bathroom is clean except the floor. To clean the floor, filla bucket with warm water and floor soap.

    If no floor soap is available, any soap with acapful of bleach will be suitable. Fill the bucket three quarters of the way up. Now takethe mop and soak it in the water. With the saturated mop, mop the floor from thebackside of the room, to the end where the door is located. The floor should have a thinlayer of water on it. Now take the mop and wring it out so that it is dry.

    With the drymop, go back over the floor in the manner that was performed when the mop was wet. Ifthe mop begins to get wet again, wring it out and continue mopping. When the floor isfinished, leave the room for ten minutes to allow it to dry. While the floor is drying, empty the garbage and replace the bag with a new one. If any rugs were taken out of the room, knock them against a wall to remove any dirthidden inside the rug.

    Make sure to sweep the mess that was created by beating the rugsBy this time, the floor should be dry and the job will be ready to complete. Placethe rugs on the floor where they belong. Put the garbage can back from where it wastaken. If the toilet paper is low, replace the roll with a new one and put the remaining rollon the top of the toilet. The job is now complete.

    Leave the room and remember to putthe seat down and turn off the lights.Bibliography:

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Cleanig your throne Essay (682 words). (2019, Jan 26). Retrieved from

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