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    Victory that the african americans got in the Civil Rights Movement

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    The Civil Rights Movement was a time when a people who where opressed for many years, rose up against the odds and achieved their freedom. An admirable aspect of the civil rights movement was the unachieveable victory that the african americans sought after and made. Through determination, persistence, and courage, the african americans won their independence. They stared down the lions throat and managed to escape with only a few scars and should be honorably admired for their integrity and will to fight for what is right. The african americans were frustrated by the unending prejudice, racism, and unequality received from the “white man.

    ” When Rosa Parks was asked to give up her seat to a white woman, she refused because she was frustrated with the treatment that african americans revieved. In her heart and in the heart of the good, she did the right thing because she was facing injustice. I whole heartedly agree and believe that the non-violence tactic will get you much farther in reaching freedom and independence. If you use “any means necessary” like Malcolm X, it will raise hostility towards your campaign and sooner than later your message of freedom through anger will have negative effects. Malcolm X did a great job of expressing the feelings of the oppressed african americans, but his quest for freedom through “any means necessary” would raise hatred towards his work. A prime example of the non-violence approach was Martin Luther King Jr.

    and the speeches he made. He inspired and preached the non-violence tactic without causing the descrepency that Malcolm X did. He tried to unite all mankind without the fear and hatred of Malcolm X. Martin Luther definetly used a more advanced tactic that opened the eyes of many americans including whites. .

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    Victory that the african americans got in the Civil Rights Movement. (2019, Mar 20). Retrieved from

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