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    Christian Morality Essay (1012 words)

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    Christian Morality. Moral truth is in objective reality, as Christ taught. The Basics.

    Christ taught that there is a logic to morality defining humanresponsibilities based upon the laws of life. Evidence showsthat sin victimizes persons and corrupts minds, but theologyportrays sin as being subjectively arbitrated by God andtherefore in need of being interpreted by those who speak forGod. The fatalism left the world’s moral analysis with a large gap init. The gap is in the abstract basics. Basics are the realities upon which other realities depend.

    They create the bedrock of all subjects. This website defines the basics of morality and builds uponthem to explain moral concepts. A definitive moral analysis isnot produced elsewhere, because theologians do notunderstand the abstractions of morality. They use religion torationalize the subconscious forces which cause sin ratherthan overcome them. What is often not accepted about morality is its objectiveorigins, it’s social significance and the related humanresponsibilities.

    While some of it is obvious and cannot bedenied, it is not in the theology. For example, bigotry, elitism,jealousy, domination, exploitation and oppression are notcorrected by theology. Without a definitive analysis, errors cannot be corrected. With it, errors cannot be sustained.

    In a different way, Christ produced the same subject, but hecould not get very far into philosophical abstractions due toobvious limitations including an absence of a written medium. He used parables heavily to stabilize important points innonabstract terms. Reason is the primary human responsibility. Corrupted personsattack and obstruct the reasoning process. This materialcounters the corruption by describing how to add reason tomorality. The validity of moral analysis must be considered in theseterms:Truth is Universal.

    There is only one truth, because it is objective and universal. For example, one and one can only equal two, not three oranything else. Christ created the starting point in evaluating moral truth,and he said we should judge for ourselves what right andwrong are. (Luke 12:57). Judging for ourselves does not mean the truth is negotiableor arbitrary. Quite the contrary, it is invariable.

    It has originsin objective reality, which is the same for everyone. But there are also elements of it that are beyond humanminds. One of Christ’s primary purposes was to describeessential elements of the truth which humans could notdetermine. The undeterminable elements of truth are the nonbasic(perceivable) specifics. Being nonbasic, they cannot bedetermined through logic. By contrast, the basics aredetermined through a combination of logic and evidence.

    Speaking on one’s own. Then Christ said that he who speaks on his own is bent onself-glorification. He said he was not speaking on his own butwas told what to say by God, as did Isaiah and Jeremiah. Does this requirement contradict that of determining forourselves what truth is? Not at all. One of the primary humanresponsibilities is to determine what reality is through aprocess of rationality. Describing how this process works isthe primary purpose of this material.

    What then is speaking on one’s own? It is producing specificsand complexities which cannot be determined through logic incombination with evidence. For example, what is the evidence and logic to indicate whatspeaking in tongues is? I can’t imagine what the logic andevidence would be. Therefore, I must take someone else’sword for it, and they become a god over my reality. This method of creating gods is the equivalent ofgnosticismone of the pillars of heresy. Similar to it isauthoritarianism, which is pervasive throughout theprofessions.

    It says “if you cannot understand how one andone equals three, we can; and therefore we must be godsover your reality. “Freud and Einstein serve that purpose. They supposedlyrevealed something that most of us cannot understand, andtherefore the gods must interpret it for us. Charisma is the modern version of the gnostic heresy.

    Thecharismatics say only they can speak in tongues andunderstand what it means, and therefore they must controlthe religion. The persons who promote such elitistism are not aware ofthe objective origins of reality and the human responsibilityfor evaluating it through rationality. This website attempts toexplain how the process works in applying rationality tomorality. It is not as much a question of who is right and whois wrong as whether the proper procedure is used to derivethe truth.

    Certainly, in terms of slogans, everyone assumes they arerational and objective, but they often do not have theslightest clue as to what those concepts are, and they defythem in practice. There is therefore a need to develop truthon this subject. The official Catholic theology, which is supposed to be God’sinfallible word, says that it is a sin to apply rationality tomorality, because human minds are too imperfect, and churchauthorities must do it for them. (See “Veritatis Splendor”).

    The most basic human function and responsibility is toproduce rationality. The most important thing to apply it to ismorality. There could be no greater injustice, loss of rightsand freedom or perversion of human existence than to not beable to apply rationality to morality. Of course, the standard of relating to morality withoutrationality is a contradiction which cannot be achieved.

    Those who speak for God and represent church authorities,which includes conservative laymen, must apply some degreeof rationality to the subject, however faulty it might be. Theprimary significance of the theology is to block criticism andcorrection of errors. So there is more than a whim in producing this website. There is a high degree of necessity in producing truth on thissubject.

    Truth cannot be decreed; it evolves automaticallythrough the interactions of realities. One of the most important moral principles is that sin cannotexist in the light of truth. The reason why is because eventhe most corrupted persons (including satan) cannot openlyadmit their sin. Sin must always be concealed, denied orrationalized.

    Therefore, sin can only be perpetrated where there isdarkness, meaning a deficiency of truth. And the mostcorrupted persons are the most sensitized to truth reactingmost extremely to justify themselves when truth is produced. What this principle adds up to is that truth is how sin isovercome. Since all problems are caused by sin, developingtruth is the answer to problems. However, corrupted personshate anyone who produces truth about problems or moralityin general, so the path is very difficult.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Christian Morality Essay (1012 words). (2019, Jan 07). Retrieved from

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