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    Child Abuse and Huck Finn Essay

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    Child Abuse is something that children all around the world have to deal with every day. Child abuse can cause physical and mental affects on a child. It occurs very frequently and can happen for many different reasons. There is a law now stating that reporting child abuse is mandatory and you should report it immediately.

    There are thousands of child abuse victims every year. The abuse usually can leave permanent damage on the rest of the child’s life. Child abuse is a very serious crime, and affects children everyday with positive and negative affects. Child abuse is a serious crime, that if violated can come with many consequences, and rules.

    Reporting child abuse is a mandatory law enacted in 1978 (but amended many times) stating that people must report child abuse immediately1. This law was created to identify children that are victims of child abuse. Relating to the law the Department of Human Services has responsibility to access and investigate suspected child abuse. “Each year Department of Human Services investigators conduct 20,000 investigations involving 30,000 children (in the state of California).

    2″ There are a lot of cases reported each year, involving innocent children, abused by their parents. Although there are thousands of cases reported each year, thousands go unreported. “Child abuse has serious consequences which may remain as indelible pain throughout the victims lifetime3” Child abuse can have permanent negative affects on the child, permanent affects that the child will never forget. The abuse can also bring a better side to the child, making the child wanting to be more independent.

    Child abuse is very common, and can affect any child of any race, color or religion. Child abuse is caused by a parent, for many reasons, and can lead to many kinds of problems for the child. Parents impose child abuse for many reasons such as psychological problems to low self esteem to alcohol or drug abuse. 4 Child abuse happens for many different reasons but all the reasons are still child abuse, and are taken seriously. Child abuse can also occur when parents have too high of expectation of their kids which then leads to abuse.

    “Abusive parents may show disregard for the child’s own needs, limited abilities, and feelings. “5 Disregarding children’s needs can include a neglect ion. Children need parental advice and for parents to fulfill all their needs. “Some parents lack basic information about normal child development and parenting. “6 All parents need information about parenting and normal child development, in order to become a loving parent that a child needs. Some parents lack information because they too, were brought up with abusive parents also.

    All these reasons are reasons that lead to child abuse and should be taken seriously, and reported immediately. Child abuse is one of the worst things children have to go through, and can impact a child’s life with a negative affect. “Physical abuse is any non-accidental physical injury, suffered by a child as the result of the acts or omissions of a person responsible for the care of the child. “7 Physical abuse usually ends with a child hurt with bruises and scars. If reported the child can be taken away from the home.

    “Mental injury is an injury to a child’s intellectual or psychological capacity that is observable to the child’s ability to functions with in the child’s normal range of performance. “8 Mental injuries can result with problems later in the child’s life, and can affect them immensely. If mental injuries are bad enough the child can suffer depression and commit suicide. If child abuse goes unreported the results could be serious and impact the child’s life for the future. 9 Child abuse must always be reported, the later you wait the longer the child has to suffer.

    If it goes unreported the child could have mental problems and no future ahead of them. There are many types of child abuse, but whether it is physical, or mental they all result in a damaging affect towards the child. Child abuse is a serious crime that comes with serious consequences. It should always be reported in the protection of the child.Child abuse is something that can happen to anyone, and that can leave .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Child Abuse and Huck Finn Essay. (2019, Apr 11). Retrieved from

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