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    Chauvet Versus Laxcaux: Comparing Cave Paintings Essay

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    Both sets of caves have several paintings that are very similar, as well as many that are vastly different. The styles tot art in both are fairly similar, although more colors are used in Lascar, as well as a wider variety of angles (Lascar has a horse in frontal view). The red ochre is consistent throughout both caves. The hand prints, both positives and negatives, seem entirely absent from Lascar, while there are many more “symbolic” signs, such as the XIII, leading me to believe that they may have perhaps been a primitive form of descriptors or signatures. There appear to be a greater variety of animals in Chaplet than in Lascar.

    While ibex, rhinos, felines, horses and bison are common to both caves, Chaplet has vatu would consider more exotic animals, such as hyenas, mammoths and panthers, as well as bears, whilst Lascar has the more domesticated animals such as cows and bulls. The way some Of the animals, primarily the Owl near the end of Chaplet, are drawn with finger tracings is completely unseen in Lascar, although that may be primarily due to the way the particular media presented itself. I think it is also important to note that the objects of the paintings also tell us quite a bit of the locations and state of culture during these time periods.

    It’s clear that Lascar is a cave of a more sedentary tribe, with the “hut in a tree” as well as with the more domesticated animals as the cows. The fact that the dwellers of Lascar had the time to craft different colors of pigments also leads me to believe they were more sedentary. In stark contrast to those in Lascar, the paintings tot Chaplet are of more predatory animals, such as panthers, suggesting that those dangerous creatures may be a sort of trophy, should one be adept enough to bring it down. The dwellers of Chaplet seem more concerned with the glory of the hunt, than creating symbols, signs, or “Great Sorcerers,”

    I personally believe that the Chaplet paintings are older than Lacuna’s. The paintings in Lascar go beyond simply portraying animals in the profile, at one point even having a horse in the frontal view. The variety of colors is also greater, leading me to believe there was more time available to experiment with colors.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Chauvet Versus Laxcaux: Comparing Cave Paintings Essay. (2018, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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